[Abstract]:Ideological and moral education is the main channel of moral education, moral education and social education for students, and it undertakes the important task of ideological and moral education for junior high school students. For junior high school students to form healthy personality, good behavior habits have an irreplaceable important role. The ideological and moral construction of teenagers and the teaching of moral education in junior high school have always aroused the high attention of the CPC Central Committee. Under the guidance of the Party Central Committee to strengthen the document spirit of the ideological and moral construction of teenagers, and with the efforts of the majority of ideological and moral teachers, the ideological and moral course of junior middle school has done a lot of work in cultivating the good ideological and moral qualities of junior middle school students. Remarkable results have been achieved. However, under the co-existence of multiple cultures, the diversity of values and the influence of external factors, there have been some negative changes in the social moral concept of our country, which not only brought the test to the middle school students themselves. It also brings challenges and difficulties to the ideological and moral educators. Under the correct management and guidance of the education department and the local education department, the Ke Zhou ideological and moral course teaching has made some achievements in the course of development under the great efforts of the teachers of the ideological and moral course and the correct management and guidance of the relevant education department and the local education department. However, due to various reasons, teaching ideas, teachers' professional level, teaching methods and means, evaluation methods and so on, there are still many problems. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the teaching of ideological and moral class, to analyze the realistic problems and the causes of the problems, and to put forward some suggestions to improve the teaching of Ke Zhou's ideological and moral lessons. The author also puts forward some suggestions for the effective development of the teaching of the ideological and moral lessons in Ke Zhou. It is of great significance to cultivate high-quality socialist successors with harmonious development of morality, intelligence, physique and beauty for society. This paper consists of four parts. The first part introduces the research background, research significance, research ideas and methods, and reviews the current research situation at home and abroad. The second part expounds the related concepts and the importance and significance of moral lessons. The third part expounds the present situation of Ke Zhou junior middle school ideological moral course, and makes a comprehensive investigation and analysis on the problems existing in Ke Zhou junior middle school ideological moral course. The fourth part, combined with the investigation and analysis of the third part, puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures to improve the ideological and moral teaching in Kezhou junior high school.
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