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发布时间:2019-04-26 01:31
[Abstract]:In the face of the pattern control of the teaching structure and the loss of the teacher in the control, we need a new understanding and explanation of the teaching structure itself. From the perspective of hermeneutics, teaching structure is the explanatory existence of teachers. In order to re-explain the teaching structure from the angle of "act and advance", this paper clarifies the meaning direction of the teaching structure, reveals the internal dialogue mechanism of the teaching structure, and endows the teachers with the independent choice of the teaching structure and the reconstruction of reflection in the face of the teaching structure. In this way, teachers begin to get rid of the pattern control of teaching structure, and take teaching as a cycle of explanation of teaching structure in a wise decision-making manner. The internal framework of this explanatory cycle is the visualization of the leading structure, the persistence of the clean-up structure and the overflowing of the meaning structure.
【作者单位】: 豫章师范学院学前教育系;江西师范大学教育研究院;


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