[Abstract]:Objective to understand the school violence and its influencing factors in senior high school students, and to provide reference for the effective measures to prevent school violence. Methods A self-filling anonymous questionnaire was conducted among 1 810 high school students in a middle school in Wuyuan county of Jiangxi province by cluster sampling. The questionnaire was based on the risk behavior factor monitoring questionnaire (Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance,) for adolescents. YRBS) asked experts to revise and formulate, using structural equation model to analyze the influencing factors of campus violence. Results among the 1 810 students, 267 (14.75%) had physical violence, 239 (13.20%) had mental violence and 78 (4.31%) had sexual violence. The structural equation model of influencing factors of campus violence behavior shows that social factors have a negative effect on the indirect effect of campus violence behavior (- 0.224), that is, through individual behavior, school violence behavior is influenced by the indirect effect of social factors on campus violence behavior (- 0.224). The direct effect of personal behavior on campus violence was positive (0.731), and the school performance had both direct and indirect effects on school violence (0.226) as well as indirectly (0.074), and had a positive effect on school violence (0.731), and had an indirect effect on school violence (0.074). The total effect of each factor in the model is 0.807, which well explains the influence on campus violence, among which individual behavior is the main influencing factor of campus violence. Conclusion the total effect of individual behavior is the highest among the influencing factors of campus violence in senior high school students. Only the family, society, schools and all aspects of the organic combination, can effectively control the violence in schools.
【作者单位】: 南昌大学公共卫生学院;婺源县疾病预防控制中心;美国内华达大学;
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