[Abstract]:The use of punctuation marks is an important means of semantic expression in written language, which directly affects whether the information can be transmitted accurately and smoothly in language communication. It can even be said that the correct use of punctuation marks is one of the important symbols of language and character application level, and it is also an indispensable and important link to improve students' language and character application ability and even to strengthen students' comprehensive quality in Chinese education. However, in the usual composition teaching, as the "sister" punctuation mark of language, it is often ignored by many teachers. Therefore, the exploration and research of punctuation in seventh grade composition is an indispensable part of Chinese teaching, and it is also a teaching task that can not be ignored. This study has always adhered to the combination of theory and practice, from the actual thought, first of all, the punctuation marks in the new period in junior high school composition teaching can be practical theoretical basis analysis, for this study laid a solid foundation. Secondly, by investigating the present situation of punctuation marks in composition writing, and by means of effective literature retrieval, this paper makes a corresponding attributive analysis of the problems existing in punctuation marks in composition writing. On this basis, the corresponding solutions are put forward. Finally, according to the implementation of the strategy, the composition of some students is presented in order to better explain this measure. With the implementation of quality education, more attention will be paid to the teaching of punctuation marks, but no theory can achieve immediate results in front of practice, so we teach punctuation teaching in a down-to-earth manner. In order to reduce the punctuation error rate in the process of writing, the seventh graders can reduce the punctuation mark error rate. The educational and teaching task of allowing students to use all kinds of punctuation marks flexibly in junior high school composition still requires us to pay more and more efforts.
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