发布时间:2017-03-25 18:01
【关键词】:语码转换 高中英语课堂 社会文化理论 脚手架
- Abstract in Chinese3-5
- ChapterⅠ Introduction11-14
- 1 Research Background11-12
- 2 Purpose of the Study12
- 3 Necessity of the Study12-13
- 4 Framework of the Thesis13-14
- ChapterⅡ Literature Review14-32
- 1 Defining Code and Code-switching14-16
- 1.1 Code14
- 1.2 Code-switching14-16
- 2 Categories of Code-switching16-18
- 3 Functions of Code-switching18-19
- 4 Attitudes towards Classroom Code-switching19-22
- 4.1 Oppositions to Classroom Code-switching20
- 4.2 Support of Classroom Code-switching20-21
- 4.3 Neutral Attitudes towards Classroom Code-switching21-22
- 5 Theoretical Framework22-25
- 5.1 Mediation22-23
- 5.2 Scaffolding23-24
- 5.3 ZPD24-25
- 6 Studies on Code-switching in Foreign Language Classrooms25-32
- 6.1 Studies Abroad25-28
- 6.2 Studies at Home28-32
- Chapter Ⅲ Research Methodology32-36
- 1 Research Questions32
- 2 Research Subject32-33
- 2.1 Subjects of Questionnaire32
- 2.2 Subjects of Classroom Audio-recording32-33
- 2.3 Subjects of Interview33
- 3 Data Collection33-35
- 3.1 Questionnaire33-34
- 3.2 Classroom Audio-recording and Data Transcription34
- 3.3 Teacher Interview34-35
- 4 Procedure35
- 5 Data Analysis35-36
- Chapter Ⅳ Results and Discussion36-59
- 1 Types of Code-switching36-40
- 1.1 Inter-sentential Code-switching36-38
- 1.2 Intra-sentential Code-switching38-39
- 1.3 Tag Switching39-40
- 2 Frequency of Code-switching40-45
- 2.1 Frequencies of Four Teachers Code-switching40-41
- 2.2 Statistical Analysis of Student Questionnaire41-45
- 3 Students and Teachers’ Opinion towards Code-switching45-48
- 3.1 Students’ Opinion towards Code-switching45-47
- 3.2 Teachers’ Opinion towards Code-switching47-48
- 4 How do Teachers Provide Scaffolded Help for Students through Code-switching48-59
- 4.1 Teaching Functions48-55
- 4.2 Metalinguistic Functions55-56
- 4.3 Communicative Functions56-59
- ChapterⅤ Conclusion59-62
- 1 Major Findings59-60
- 2 Significance of the Study60-61
- 2.1 Theoretical Significance60
- 2.2 Practical Significance60-61
- 3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further Research61-62
- References62-65
- 附件65-69
- Acknowledgements69