Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Research Objective and significance
1.2.1 Research objective
1.2.2 Research significance
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review
2.1 Definition of key terms
2.1.1 Critical reading
2.1.2 Critical reading strategies
2.1.3 Critical thinking
2.2 The relationship between critical reading and critical thinking
2.3 Relevant studies at home and abroad
2.3.1 Relevant studies abroad
2.3.2 Relevant studies at home
Chapter Ⅲ Theoretical Basis
3.1 Constructivism
3.1.1.Knowledge theory of constructivism
3.1.2.Learning theory of constructivism
3.1.3.Teaching theory of constructivism
3.1.4.The enlightenment of constructivism theory
3.2 Schema Theory
3.3 Critical Discourse Analysis Theory
3.3.1 The basic ideas of critical discourse analysis theory
3.3.2 The enlightenment of critical discourse analysis theory
Chapter Ⅳ Research Design
4.1 Research hypothesis and questions
4.2 Research subjects
4.3 Research instruments
4.3.2 Questionnaires
4.3.3 Interview
4.4 Experimental teaching procedure
4.4.1 Teaching Procedures in EC
4.4.2 Teaching Procedures in CC
4.5 Data collection and analysis
Chapter Ⅴ Results and Discussions
5.1 Influence of critical reading strategy on reading comprehension scores
5.2 Influence of critical reading class on improvement of critical reading awareness
Chapter Ⅵ Conclusion
6.1 Major findings
6.2 Limitations of the research
6.3 Suggestions for future research
Appendix Ⅰ Pre-test paper
Appendix Ⅱ post-test paper
Appendix Ⅲ 中职生英语阅读现状调查
Appendix Ⅳ
Appendix Ⅴ
Appendix Ⅵ
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