本文选题:全科医师 + 培训需求 ; 参考:《中国卫生资源》2016年05期
【摘要】:目的 :探讨全科医师规范化培训需求的理论结构,为健全优化全科医师规范化培训理论实践框架提供参考依据。方法 :2015年10月至2016年3月,对全科医师规范化培训相关人员进行半结构式访谈,采用Nvivo 8.0中文软件进行资料分析。结果 :全科医师培训需求的理论结构可分为4个维度19个成分;不同角色对全科医师规范化培训需求认知存在差异,全科学员更重视对于奉献精神的道德培训,带教老师则更重视耐心及爱岗敬业,全科医师更重视合作意识与交往能力,培训基地管理人员更重视临床诊疗能力的培训。结论 :全科医师的培训应以社会需求为首要,尊重全科医学临床实践特点,安排满足全科医师培训需求、又易于实践操作的培训计划,不断优化培训结构,改革培训方法,最终制定出适合广大全科医师的系统化的培训策略。
[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the theoretical structure of the standardized training needs of general practitioners and to provide a reference for optimizing the theoretical and practical framework of standardized training for general practitioners. Methods: from October 2015 to March 2016, a semi-structured interview was conducted with the relevant personnel in standardized training of general practitioners, and the data were analyzed with Nvivo 8.0 Chinese software. Results: the theoretical structure of training needs of general practitioners can be divided into 4 dimensions and 19 components. Teachers pay more attention to patience and devotion to work, general practitioners pay more attention to cooperation and communication ability, training base managers pay more attention to the training of clinical diagnosis and treatment ability. Conclusion: the training of general practitioners should be based on social needs, respect the characteristics of clinical practice in general medicine, arrange training plans that meet the training needs of general practitioners and be easy to practice, optimize the training structure and reform training methods. Finally, a systematic training strategy suitable for general practitioners was worked out.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学附属上海市第五人民医院住院医师规培管理办公室;
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