本文选题:家庭 + 家庭教育 ; 参考:《南京邮电大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Gratitude is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Gratitude has positive significance for both personal growth and social development. For a long time, people have been advocating gratitude. In recent years, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Thanksgiving and other festivals are increasingly favored by people, people have to use these holidays to express their gratitude to family and friends, and become a good social fashion. However, with the rapid development of economy and the continuous infiltration of multiculturalism, there are some problems in the process of the actual inheritance of this outstanding quality, and the phenomenon of ungrateful has occurred from time to time. Gratitude is a kind of emotional education, and the family, as the beginning of all education and the unique humanistic care characteristic, naturally becomes the important position of Thanksgiving education. Therefore, the study of Thanksgiving education in contemporary family education can not only improve personal moral sentiment, but also create a good social morality. This paper studies Thanksgiving education from the perspective of family. On the basis of deeply analyzing and discussing the Thanksgiving education in the traditional family education in China and the Thanksgiving education in the foreign family education, this paper discusses the problems existing in the Thanksgiving education in the family education in our country through a series of phenomena and cases. It also tries to analyze the reasons for the lack of Thanksgiving education in the family from the aspects of parents' quality, family interpersonal relationship structure, family environment, self-education and social background. Finally, in order to better implement Thanksgiving education in family education, this paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures from the above several aspects, and puts forward positive reference to the beneficial experience of Thanksgiving education in family education at home and abroad. At the same time, it advocates families and schools. Social Trinity Thanksgiving Education Model.
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