本文选题:职业教育 + 社区教育 ; 参考:《职教论坛》2017年30期
[Abstract]:Based on the analysis of the process of the integration and development of vocational education and community education in China in the past thirty years and the related research documents, the course of the integration development of vocational education and community education in China is divided into three stages: the stage of preparing for starting and the stage of preliminary exploration. The stage of full development. The characteristics of the integration development of vocational education and community education are analyzed, and three prospects for the future development of vocational education and community education are put forward: one is to further expand the channels of integration of vocational education and community education from the breadth; The second is to further explore the integration mechanism of vocational education and community education from the depth, the third is to further improve the lifelong education system from a high level.
【作者单位】: 广州城市职业学院;
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