[Abstract]:With the development of social economy in our country, the traditional concept of marriage has been changed, and the family relationship linked by marriage has become precarious because of the impact of the social trend of thought. Divorce rates in China have risen for 10 consecutive years, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. In 2013, 3.5 million couples filed for divorce, an increase of 12.8 percent over 2012. With the increasing divorce rate, the number of single-parent families is also on the rise. In these single-parent families there are also other family changes and other causes. According to incomplete statistics, the number of single-parent families in our country in 2014 is more than 11 million. In such a big environment, the psychological problems of children of high-school single-parent families are more prominent. How to solve the problems of children's education in high-school single-parent families is the focus of society. More and more people pay attention to, also need to focus on one of the topics. Starting from the special group of children of high school single parent family, this paper mainly investigates and studies the educational problems of children of single parent family extensively and deeply, and puts forward feasible countermeasures for children's psychological education of high school single parent family. Firstly, the background and significance of the research on the education of single parent family in senior high school are put forward, and the current research situation of scholars at home and abroad is discussed. This paper analyzes the educational problems of high school students from single-parent families by questionnaire, and puts forward the causes of the problems through systematic and detailed analysis. Finally, the author puts forward the research countermeasures of high school single parent family education, summarizes some psychological adjustment strategies, aiming at solving the educational and psychological problems of high school students in single parent families better. It plays an active role in promoting the mental health education of children in single-parent families, and provides a theoretical reference for the education of single-parent families in senior high schools.
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