[Abstract]:Objective to explore the difference of sentence ability in hearing memory between 3 and 4 year old children with hearing impairment and healthy hearing. Methods 24 hearing impaired children aged 3 to 4 years old and 14 healthy children of the same age were selected and divided into two groups according to the hearing aid time of 1 ~ 2 years (10 cases) and 2 ~ 3 years (14 cases). Two groups of images of closed sentence test in speech auditory response Assessment (evaluation of auditory response to speech,EARS) were used to test each group of children to compare the correct rate and average times of complete memory of sentences by hearing impaired and healthy children. Results in terms of the correct rate of the two groups of test sentences, the correct rate of the first group of the children with hearing impairment was 57.14, which was close to that of the healthy children (58.93%), and the correct rate of the first group was 57.14%, which was similar to that of the healthy children (58.93%). The correct rate of hearing aid for children with hearing impairment was only 32.5, which was lower than that of the other two groups. The accuracy rate of the second test sentence in the second group was 44.64, which was higher than that in the 1-2 year hearing-impaired children (22.5%). The correct rate of the sentences of the healthy children was 55.36, which was higher than that of the hearing-impaired children. The average number of correct memory test sentences in the first group was 2.36 卤1.082.29 卤1.68 卤1.30 卤1.25, respectively. There was no significant difference among the three groups (P0.05), but in the second group, there was no significant difference between the three groups (P0.05). The number of correct sentences in children with hearing aids (0.90 卤0.57) was significantly lower than that in children with hearing aids (2.21 卤0.89) (P0.01) and children with hearing aids (1.79 卤1.89) (P0.05), but there was no significant difference between children with hearing aids and children with normal hearing (P0.05). Conclusion the ability of correctly memorizing sentences through hearing in this group of children aged 3 or 4 years is improved with the prolongation of hearing aid time, and is gradually approaching to that of children of the same age. This ability is also affected by the content of the test.
【作者单位】: 中国聋儿康复研究中心;
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