[Abstract]:In recent years, there has been a shortage of workers in big cities, but at the same time, a large number of migrant workers have poured into the city but can not find the jobs that meet the expectations. Because the employment status and expectations of the new generation of migrant workers are not consistent, the realistic conditions of migrant workers are limited to the participation of vocational education, and the direction of training is difficult to achieve good integration with the market demand, and the current education model of vocational education also has many defects. Therefore, under the guidance of employment promotion, we can plan the training of the new generation of migrant workers through the government, reform the curriculum system of vocational education for migrant workers, popularize free vocational education and give full play to the role of the network, improve the innovation of vocational education content and training mode of the new generation of migrant workers, and constantly promote the employment of migrant workers.
【作者单位】: 河南财政金融学院社科部;
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