发布时间:2017-07-01 00:16
【摘要】:本研究以互动假说为理论框架,研究不同类型的语码转换式教师互动调整在对外汉语教学中的效果及功能。互动假说理论认为,互动调整对二语的理解和输出起关键作用。尽管有诸多研究,仍存在许多不足:1)哪种互动调整策略对语言习得最有效,说法不一;2)互动调整的分类和功能尚须进一步扩展;3)互动调整的实证研究居多,其测验所用的语言试题比较简单;真实课堂语境下的质化研究不够深入。因此,本文主要探讨以下问题:1)在对外汉语课堂教学中,教师语码转换的互动调整有哪些类型?2)这些类型在教学中如何分布,换言之,哪种类型的教师互动调整最有效?其影响因素是什么?3)语码转换式的教师互动调整对对外汉语教学起什么作用? 针对这些问题,本研究设计为质化、量化相结合的个案研究。采用数据驱动、自下而上的会话分析进行质化研究,采用课堂观察、量化数据和半结构访谈实现三角验证,以求结论客观、真实。 研究结果显示:1)语码转换式互动调整对语言理解和输出起关键作用;2)不同教师,使用互动调整的数量不同;互动调整的效果在不同教学(词汇、句法和会话)中存在差异,语码轮换式重复(repetitionintheotherlanguage)和语码转换式改述(code-switchingparaphrase)对词汇和会话教学最为有效;3)使用简单的元语言进行重复、改述或重铸是成功的关键;4)互动调整也存在无效的现象,在某些教学中互动调整冗余不能解决问题;5)语码转换式互动调整的作用包括语言、认知、社会文化、管理等四个方面。具体作用是,元语言功能、句法功能、认知功能、跨文化交际功能、语用功能、文化传播功能、组织活动功能和元认知功能。 本研究的创新点在于,首先,在真实的对外汉语教学课堂语境下,对教师语码转换式互动调整进行充分的描写和分类,即,语码轮换式重复、语码插入式改述、语码插入式重铸、语码转换式引导和元语言表达。这扩展了已有的互动调整类型研究。同时,将语码转换置于互动假说理论框架中,也丰富了语码转换的概念,即,在跨文化语言课堂中,教师为预防和解决学生理解障碍,,采取目的语与媒介语之间的语码转换式互动调整策略。其次,细化了教师语码转换式互动调整所起的作用,即语言、认知、社会文化及管理等四个方面。 本研究的教学意义在于,优先于语言形式教学在对外汉语教学初级阶段非常重要,尤其是在意义协商中,当学生出现理解障碍的时候,教师可进行语言形式上的语码转换式互动调整,来解决意义理解问题。
【关键词】:互动调整 语码转换 效果 功能 对外汉语教学
- Acknowledgements5-7
- Abstract7-9
- 摘要9-14
- Abbreviations14-15
- List of Figures15-16
- List of Tables16-17
- Chapter 1 Introduction17-25
- 1.1 Research Motivation17-19
- 1.2 Background and Context of This Study19-22
- 1.3 The Research Scope, Aim and Its Significance22-23
- 1.4 The Overall Structure of This Study23-25
- Chapter 2 Literature Review25-67
- 2.1 Introduction25
- 2.2 The Interaction Hypothesis25-28
- 2.3 Different Classifications of the Interactional Modifications28-36
- 2.3.1 Interactional Modifications28-29
- 2.3.2 Long's Interactional Modifications:Strategies and Tactics29-31
- 2.3.3 Mitchell's Communication Strategies31-32
- 2.3.4 Doughty s Fine-tuning Feedback32-33
- 2.3.5 Corrective Feedback of Lyster and Ranta33-34
- 2.3.6 Interactional Modifications in English as Lingua Franca Context34-35
- 2.3.7 The Most Beneficial Interactional Modifications35-36
- 2.4 The Impact of Interactional Modifications to Language Acquisition36-42
- 2.4.1 Interactional Modifications to Comprehensible Input37-38
- 2.4.2 Interactional Modifications to Comprehensible Output38-39
- 2.4.3 Interactional Modifications to the Selective Attention on Language Form39-41
- 2.4.4 Interactional Modifications Providing Negative Evidence41-42
- 2.5 Classroom Researches Based on the Interactional Theory42-46
- 2.6 Code-switching46-64
- 2.6.1 Code46-47
- 2.6.2 Definitions of Code-Switching in Different Fields47-49
- 2.6.3 Types of Code-Switching49-51
- 2.6.4 Code-switching used for Interactional Modification51-52
- 2.6.5 Operational Definition of CS52-53
- 2.6.6 Studies of Teacher's CS in the Pedagogy Field53-60
- 2.6.7 Studies of CS in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language60-64
- 2.7 Framework of This Study64-65
- 2.8 Summary65-67
- Chapter 3 Research Approach67-85
- 3.1 Introduction67
- 3.2 Research Questions67-68
- 3.3 Research Ethics68-69
- 3.4 Case Study69-71
- 3.5 Research Design71-73
- 3.6 Participants73-76
- 3.6.1 Three Chinese Teachers' Description73-74
- 3.6.2 International Students' Description74-76
- 3.7 Instruments76-84
- 3.7.1 Classroom Observation and Audio-Recording on the Lessons76-78
- 3.7.2 Transcribing and Coding on Audio-Recording Materials78-80
- 3.7.3 Interview to the Teachers and Students80-82
- 3.7.4 Stimulated Recall to the Teachers' Perceptions of IM82-83
- 3.7.5 Document Survey on the Students83-84
- 3.7.6 Statistical Tools84
- 3.8 Summary84-85
- Chapter 4 Data Description85-111
- 4.1 Introduction85
- 4.2 Conversational Exchanges with Code-switching Modifications85-97
- 4.2.1 Exchanges with IM for Teaching86-95
- 4.2.2 Exchanges with IM for Governing95-97
- 4.3 Five Types of Interactional Modifications97-99
- 4.3.1 Repetition in the Other Language97-98
- 4.3.2 Recast98
- 4.3.3 Paraphrase98
- 4.3.4 Elicitation98-99
- 4.3.5 Metalinguistic Expression99
- 4.4 Statistic Description of IM99-103
- 4.5 Learners' Non-understanding103-104
- 4.6 Learner Uptake after Interactional Modifications104-107
- 4.7 Unsuccessful Interactional Modifications107-109
- 4.8 Summary109-111
- Chapter 5 Findings and Discussion111-146
- 5.1 Introduction111
- 5.2 Effectiveness of IM Based on Learner Uptake111-124
- 5.2.1 Successful Learner Uptake in Exchanges of Teaching Interaction111-113
- 5.2.2 Successful Learner Uptake VS. Ms. Dong's CS-IM113-115
- 5.2.3 Successful Learner Uptake VS. Ms. Fang's CS-IM115-117
- 5.2.4 Possible Interpretations of Varied Effectiveness of IM117-124
- 5.3 Positive Functions of Interactional Modifications124-143
- 5.3.1 Meta-language Function126-128
- 5.3.2 Syntactic Function128-129
- 5.3.3 Cognitive Function129-135
- 5.3.4 Intercultural Communication Function135-136
- 5.3.5 Pragmatic Function136-138
- 5.3.6 Cultural Transmission Function138-140
- 5.3.7 Organizing Function140-141
- 5.3.8 Metaconitive Function141-143
- 5.3.9 Negative Role of IM143
- 5.4 Limitation143-145
- 5.4.1 Subjectivity of the Observation and the Interview144
- 5.4.2 Limited Scope of the Participants and the Classroom Observation144-145
- 5.5 Summary145-146
- Chapter 6 Conclusions and Implications146-156
- 6.1 The Major Findings of This Study146-149
- 6.2 The Major Contribution of This Study149-150
- 6.3 Implications150-156
- 6.3.1 Theoretical Implication150-151
- 6.3.2 Pedagogical Implication151-153
- 6.3.3 Language Management Implication153-156
- References156-167
- Appendices167-179
- Appendix 1 Interview questions for the teachers in both Chinese and English167-170
- Appendix 2 Interview abstract of Ms. Dong170-172
- Appendix 3 Interview abstract of Ms. Fang172-174
- Appendix 4 Interview abstract of Ms. Zhang174-176
- Appendix 5 Interview questions for the students176-177
- Appendix 6 Part of interview record of some students177-178
- Appendix 7 Survey for students' basic information178-179
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