本文关键词:新疆红色资源在大学生思想政治教育中的运用研究 出处:《新疆师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As the forefront of the modernization of our country and cultivating talents, prosperity and stability of the country plays an important role in Xinjiang. Because of its special geographical position and regional situation, the ideological and political education activities will face more problems and challenges, which makes Xinjiang universities need to gradually enhance students' anti secession the struggle consciousness, actively carry out relevant activities of Ideological and political education of college students. In order to better cope with the new situation and new challenges, we need to explore a new method to promote the new resources, the effectiveness of the ideological and political education. Xinjiang red resources is a valuable educational resources, it contains patriotism, hard work, keep pace with the times, service the spirit in maintaining our national unity, play an important role in promoting national unity and the process of revolution and construction, still shining With its strong vitality. In this period, we should make full use of red resources and play the advantages of educating people, strengthen ideological and political education of college students, improve the ideological and moral qualities, enhance students' patriotic enthusiasm, Xinjiang love, and actively explore the effective countermeasures of Xinjiang red resources used in the ideological and political education in the view of application. Xinjiang Red Resources in the ideological and political education in the lack of the actual situation, this study is intended for use by Xinjiang Red Resources in college students' Ideological and political education in the actual research, analysis of the shortcomings and reasons, and to explore the corresponding countermeasures, so as to promote the effective realization of Ideological and political education of college students in Xinjiang. This paper consists of four parts: the first part is the introduction. A review of the topic basis and significance, research ideas. And the research method, difficulty and innovation are discussed in detail. The second part is the overview of the theory. This paper expatiates the connotation of the red resources, the main types of connotation, value and Xinjiang red resources, as well as the use of characteristics of Xinjiang Red Resources in college students' Ideological and Political Education value. The third part is the analysis of the status quo and reasons. Mainly through the form of questionnaires and interviews, analyzes the application status quo of Xinjiang Red Resources in college students' Ideological and political education, and the limitation in the practical application, the causes of the problem will be introduced. The fourth part is the countermeasures. That is to strengthen the development of Xinjiang red resources utilization; use of Xinjiang red resources enrich the content of Ideological and political education; education to enhance the effectiveness of red resources in the classroom teaching; education to enhance the effectiveness of red resources in practice teaching; Enriching and enriching the construction of the red campus culture.
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