本文关键词:某高校大学生生活方式与体成分现状及相关性研究 出处:《郑州大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:目的了解大学生的生活方式和身体成分现状,探讨二者之间的关系,为有针对性地指导大学生的生活方式、增强体质提供依据。方法在某高校大学生中分层抽取样本,以自拟问卷进行生活方式调查,以韩国Biospace公司的In Body720体成分测定仪做身体成分测定,对获取的有效资料用SPSS21.0软件做描述性分析、相关分析、多重线性回归分析。结果1大学生日常习惯及学习时间1128名研究对象中吸烟者占4.0%,有饮酒史的占19.4%。每天上网时间为2~3 h者居多(占47.9%);男生中上网≥4 h的比例为18.6%,女生为14.6%,男、女生每天上网时间之间总体上差异无统计学意义(P=0.286)。90.4%的大学生每天学习时间在10 h以内。47.2%的学生睡眠时间在7h以下。2大学生体育锻炼情况平时几乎不参加体育锻炼的学生占12.7%,每周锻炼5次及以上的仅占12.9%;男生每天运动时间在1 h以上的比率为29.8%,女生仅12.4%;自述运动后无感觉和微微出汗的学生占49.2%,其中女生中的比例高于男生,而女生中等强度运动的比例为31.0%,低于男生的51.7%;男生的运动时间、强度、频率均超过女生,差异均有统计学意义(P0.001)。3大学生饮食习惯完全不吃零食的学生占8.0%;87.9%的学生每日进餐三次,不吃早餐和偶尔吃早餐的比率为28.8%;多数学生(67.8%)每顿进餐用时10~20min,用时20~30 min的比例为21.4%;一周内每天吃蔬菜和乳制品的人数比率分别为45.5%和16.2%,有30.3%的学生每周吃3~4次水果;一周内几乎不吃鱼虾的学生占21.3%;粮谷类、蛋类和豆制品摄入量符合膳食宝塔规定。4大学生身体成分状况男生体内蛋白质、脂肪、矿物质、水分含量的构成比分别为16.4%、17.2%、6.1%、61.3%;女生依次为14.5%、28.0%、5.3%、53.2%;大学生的身体水分和蛋白质含量随年龄的增长略呈缓慢增加趋势;大学生的身体水分、蛋白质及矿物质含量不足率分别达到30.6%、30.9%、12.4%,相对偏高;体脂肪含量超标率偏大,占总人数的23.1%;其中女生的身体水分及蛋白质含量不足率分别为39.3%、41.0%,高于男生的15.7%、13.5%,而体脂肪超标率为25.2%,高于男生的19.5%。5大学生营养状况“隐性肥胖”检出率为男生1.0%、女生23.0%,男生低于女生(P=0.035);营养不良检出率为男生6.7%、女生0.4%,男生高于女生(P=0.020)。6大学生体脂含量与生活方式的相关性男生的体脂含量主要受运动强度(β=1.526)、运动频率(β=-1.039)、进餐次数(β=-2.212)和吃水果频率(β=0.680)的影响;女生的体脂含量与运动强度(β=1.137)有关。7大学生体内蛋白质含量与生活方式的相关性男生体内蛋白质含量主要受运动频率(β=0.397)、运动时间(β=0.240)、运动强度(β=0.209)和吃水果频率(β=0.115)的影响;女生体内蛋白质含量与运动强度(β=0.244)、进餐用时(β=-0.198)及吃水果频率(β=0.081)有关。结论1绝大多数大学生无不良烟酒嗜好,学习时间符合国家规定;存在运动量小、睡眠时间短、膳食结构不平衡、进餐速度快等不良生活方式。2部分大学生体内蛋白质含量不足;女生隐性肥胖问题较突出。3运动量和吃水果频率对大学生体内蛋白质含量有正向影响;女生的体脂含量与运动强度相关,这或许是由于体脂含量偏高的女生参加体育锻炼的意愿更强烈所致。
[Abstract]:Objective to understand the status quo of lifestyle and body composition of university students, to explore the relationship between the two, to guide the students' way of life, provide the basis for the enhanced physique. In some university students in stratified sampling, with questionnaire investigation with the way of life, In Body720 body composition of the South Korean company Biospace tester do the determination of body composition, correlation analysis of descriptive analysis, using SPSS21.0 software to do effective data acquisition, multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the 1128 subjects daily habits and learning time 1 students smoking accounted for 4%, alcohol accounted for 19.4%. of the Internet every day time is 2~3 h, the majority (47.9%) of boys; the Internet is more than 4 in the proportion of h was 18.6%, 14.6% for female, male, female between the Internet every day time overall there was no statistically significant difference (P=0.286) of.90.4% of the students learning time every day at 10 h Within the.47.2% students sleep time in 7h following.2 college students physical exercise usually almost do not participate in physical exercise of students accounted for 12.7%, exercise 5 times a week and above accounted for only 12.9% of the boys; exercise every day and above 1 h in the ratio of 29.8%, only 12.4% girls; after exercise without feeling and self-reported sweating slightly of the students 49.2%, the proportion of girls is higher than boys, while girls of moderate intensity exercise ratio was 31%, lower than the 51.7% boys; boys exercise time, intensity, frequency were more than girls, the differences were statistically significant (P0.001).3 college students' eating habits completely do not eat snacks accounted for 8% of students; 87.9% students three meals a day do not eat breakfast, ratio and occasionally eat breakfast for 28.8%; most of the students (67.8%) at each meal with 10~20min, the ratio of 20~30 with min was 21.4%; within a week to eat vegetables every day and the ratio of the number of dairy products Were 45.5% and 16.2%, there are 30.3% students a week to eat 3~4 fruits; within a week almost do not eat fish and shrimp accounted for 21.3% of students; cereal, eggs and soy products intake with dietary pagoda provisions body composition status of college students.4 boys body protein, fat, minerals, of which water content ratio were 16.4%, 17.2%, 6.1%, 61.3%; girls were 14.5%, 28%, 5.3%, 53.2%; the body moisture and protein content of college students with the age increase slightly increasing slowly; college students lack of body water, protein and mineral content ratio reached 30.6%, 30.9%, 12.4%, relatively high; body fat content exceed the standard rate is too large, accounting for the total number of 23.1%; the lack of body moisture and protein contents in female rates were 39.3%, 41%, 13.5%, 15.7% higher than the boys, but the body fat exceed the standard rate of 25.2%, higher than the male students' nutritional status 19.5%.5" Recessive obesity detection rate of 1% boys, 23% girls, boys are lower than girls (P=0.035); the detection rate of malnutrition was 6.7% boys, 0.4% girls, boys are higher than girls (P=0.020) body fat boys correlation of body fat and.6 lifestyle of college students is mainly affected by exercise intensity, exercise frequency (Beta =1.526) (beta =-1.039), the number of meals (beta =-2.212) and fruit frequency (beta =0.680) effect; body fat and exercise intensity of girls (P =1.137) correlation between protein content of male college students in the.7 protein content and the way of life is mainly affected by the movement frequency (P =0.397), movement time (beta =0.240) (beta =0.209), exercise intensity and frequency of eating fruits (beta =0.115) impact strength; protein content and movement of girls (beta =0.244), when the meal (beta =-0.198) and fruit frequency (beta =0.081). Conclusion: 1 the vast majority of college students have no adverse alcohol addicted Good learning time, comply with the provisions of the state; there is a small amount of exercise, sleep time is short, the unbalanced diet, eating fast and other unhealthy lifestyle of some college students lack of the protein content of.2 in girls; recessive obesity is a prominent problem.3 the amount of exercise and eating fruit has significant positive effect on body protein content of body fat and students; exercise intensity of girls, this is probably due to the high content of body fat in girls participating in physical exercise will more strongly induced.
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