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发布时间:2017-12-31 23:15

  本文关键词:福建省独立学院就业指导工作研究 出处:《福建农林大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 福建省独立学院 就业指导工作 创新完善

[Abstract]:The employment problem is the key livelihood projects, with the development of society, the employment population, employment pressure, the employment problem of college students has aroused great concern in all aspects of society, and the independent college as a special school, the employment problem of graduates has been paid more and more attention. Therefore, in order to let the students of independent college with the improvement and innovation of employment competitiveness, employment guidance, is particularly important. This paper uses literature research, questionnaire survey, telephone interviews, comparative research methods, mainly in Fuzhou University Zhicheng College as the research object, questionnaire, and on the basis of the improvement and innovation of employment guidance work of the Independent Institute of Fujian province suggestions. This paper is divided into five parts: first, this paper describes the current research status at home and abroad, the work of employment guidance topics of the purpose and significance of research. Methods, laid the foundation for the study of this paper. Second, this paper summarizes the characteristics of students of Independent Colleges in Fujian province and its analysis, to strengthen the employment guidance work of Independent Colleges in Fujian province and on the basis of this, that is to strengthen the employment guidance work of Independent Colleges in Fujian Province needs its development, is an inevitable way to improve the students' employment rate that is an inevitable requirement to promote the sustainable development of human resources. Third, according to the Independent Institute of Fujian province and the characteristics of students, design the questionnaire, and the results of the questionnaires for statistical analysis, summed up the Independent Colleges in Fujian province employment characteristics, it is pointed out that the existence of employment problems, and the reasons for these problems. Fourth the characteristics of the operating mode of the guidance, the domestic and foreign college students employment analysis, pointed out that we can learn from their full employment guidance Teachers; professional; special funds security; Internet plus time sharing network; the contents of employment guidance, the diversification of these advanced experience. Finally, the employment guidance for the improvement and innovation of Fujian Province independent college graduates. Think we should establish and adhere to the scientific principle of correct understanding of the employment guidance work; the employment guidance work to correct the Independent Institute of Fujian province; strengthen the construction of Independent Colleges in Fujian province employment guidance teacher team; scientific design of independent college employment guidance work content; effective efforts to expand the independent colleges in Fujian Province, employment guidance.



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8 R购炀,




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