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发布时间:2018-01-05 02:20

  本文关键词:实习支教大学生学校支持感、教师胜任力对其职业认同感的影响研究 出处:《聊城大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 实习支教大学生 学校支持感 教师胜任力 职业认同感

[Abstract]:In recent years, the professional identity of teachers of college students majoring in teacher education has attracted more and more attention. Through the indirect influence of talents, the cultivation of talents can not be separated from the efforts of the people's teachers. The college students majoring in teacher education are the reserve force of the teachers in the future. Practice practice is an effective way to promote the students' teaching knowledge into teaching ability, and it is also an effective way to improve the teaching ability of the college students. It is necessary to study the professional identity of the students who take part in the internship and teaching. The purpose of this study is to understand the sense of school support of the students. The influence mechanism of teachers' competence on their professional identity. The teachers' professional identity scale, teacher competency self-rating scale and the revised organizational support questionnaire were used. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 500 college students majoring in teacher education in 2013 in Liaocheng University. The results were tested by ANOVA T test and correlation analysis. In order to understand the status quo of professional identity, analyze the difference of professional identity, and investigate the sense of school support, structural equation and other methods are used to analyze the status quo of college students' professional identity. The relationship between teacher competence and professional identity. The conclusion of the study is as follows: 1. Practice supports college students' professional identity. School support and teacher competence are in the upper middle level. 2. The impact of the location of the internship school on the vocational identity of the professional efficacy dimension reached a significant level. However, there is no significant difference in the vocational value, professional will and career will of the place where the internship school is located. However, there is no significant difference in the dimensions of the occupational identity, and the gender, the type of the internship school. The influence of internship teaching discipline on professional identity is not significant. 3. School support sense. There is a significant positive correlation between teachers' competence and teachers' professional identity. 4. The direct effect of school support on professional identity is not significant; School support directly affects teachers' competence and then indirectly affects professional identity. That is to say, teachers' competence plays a complete intermediary role, and the promotion of college students' sense of school support can improve their teachers' competence level and further enhance their teachers' professional identity.


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