本文关键词:社会主义核心价值观中的和谐思想研究 出处:《河北经贸大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the thousands of years of history of Chinese civilization, "harmony" has been as the mainstream ideology of our nation throughout. Realize harmonious society, building a better home to survive, is the social development trend of human pursuit, but also Chinese Communist Party and all political party Marx is committed to achieving the goal of value. Therefore, advocate and the practice of socialist core values in the harmony, has become a necessary premise to promote the construction of a harmonious society to achieve our goal. As a national goal of harmony will be included in the core values of socialism, theoretical and ideological origins of its deep. Chinese traditional harmonious thought in the "nature and humanity", "harmony" the interpersonal view, "is the heart's" morality, "harmony" of the international view is committed to safeguarding and realizing the harmonious society the idea for today reiterated the price Values provide abundant thought materials the sense of harmony; man and nature described in Marx's, people and people, people and society harmonious ideal blueprint for each other, as we continue to advocate and adhere to harmonious values direction; with Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, research on the construction of Harmonious Society Xi Jinping as the representative of several generations of central collective leadership, the concept of harmony to enrich and develop the socialist core values in the harmony thought. The socialist core values in inherits the essence and harmonic rich thoughts in Western civilization, and at the party's eighteen large and medium-sized are endowed with a new connotation of the times here. The Institute is committed to achieving the harmony is a natural person, collectivism value coordinated development between social values, as it is the evaluation of any person, object, phenomenon and behavior of concrete The practice is to promote the integrity of the natural, human and social harmony as evaluation standard; in order to achieve social harmony with human nature, promote the subject of perfect personality and social harmony is the basic objectives of the target value; to the people as the main ways and ideas of sustainable development have reasonable transformation to the world and the future society as the basic norms of behavior, has important guiding significance to our country now and in the future for the completion of a harmonious society. Harmony will be identified as the core value goal of our country future construction also has a profound reality demands. At the present stage of China's political, economic, cultural, social, ecological and other fields in the "disharmony" phenomenon and other hidden non harmonious factors are in urgent need of harmonious values of the correct guidance. Therefore, we should strive to explore the socialist core values Harmonious practice path advocated, from strengthening the national level organization and policy support, give full play to the positive role in promoting social harmony, strengthen the concept of value personal development and other aspects of in-depth exploration of how to achieve the ideal state of harmony, which not only can effectively carry out the harmonious thought to some extent and promote the socialist core values advocated by the the whole society, helps to ensure the realization of our goal of building a socialist harmonious society, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation China dream ".
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