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发布时间:2018-03-24 08:50

  本文选题:大学新生 切入点:生活适应 出处:《长春工业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:College students are in the transition period between adolescence and adulthood. College life is an important part of life and an important turning point. In this growing stage, freshmen are faced with changes in their environment and roles. There is a need to move from dependence to independence, but due to shallow experience and short experience, lack of a correct and comprehensive understanding of oneself, dependence on many factors, such as addiction, Causes the freshmen to face a lot of troubles in life when they first entered school. If the problems such as the lack of independent and self-care ability in life, the inadaptability of life management style and the inadaptability in the process of interpersonal communication can not be solved in time, It will not only affect the mental and physical development of college freshmen, but also have a profound impact on the adult development. Shortening the period of inadaptability and adapting quickly to college life are of great significance to the completion of university studies. It is of great significance to pass the university stage smoothly and to adapt to the society in the future. This paper adopts the methods of literature analysis, questionnaire survey, semi-structure interview and participation observation. Through the pre-test of the life adaptation problems of the four major freshmen in C University y College, the author applies the professional ideas, skills and methods of group work. Aiming at the adaptation problems of the new students, we design and carry out the freshman adaptation group activities in person. We combine the process assessment with the result evaluation, and compare and analyze the pre-test and post-test according to the pre-test of the newborn adaptation, and combine the theory with the practice. To explore the effectiveness of social work, especially group work, in the adaptation of college freshmen, and to explore the working concepts, principles, skills and working methods of the group work methods, This paper analyzes the reasons for the effectiveness of the working methods of the group from the aspects of work content, and finally summarizes the practical results, reflects on and develops them, and draws a conclusion: to help freshmen shorten the unsuitable period, to adapt themselves to college life quickly, and to make up for the deficiency of traditional education. Group work involved in college life adaptation has obvious effect, so it is of great significance for group work to intervene in the problem of college freshmen's life adaptation.


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