[Abstract]:From the perspective of moral dimension, this study chooses 6 college students who have received a master's education to consider the influence of teacher-student relationship on students' self-identity. The choice of qualitative research paradigm, on the one hand, by directly listening to the voice of the research object, breaking through the existing research through speculative construction of the ideal teacher-student relationship dilemma; on the other hand, through the RUC method of life history to collect materials, In order to understand the impact of teacher-student relationship on the change of students' self-identity in a comprehensive picture. The main materials collected are the teacher-student relationship in primary, junior high, high school, university and master's degree. First of all, the data processing method insists on the "three-layer interaction principle", that is, the original materials collected, and the interaction between the relevant theories and the personal understanding of the researchers. Secondly, the research object combination is adopted, one of the research objects as the central figure, the other research subjects in different themes to assist the argument. This study is divided into three parts: the first part is an introduction. The second part is the first four chapters of the text. In the first chapter, they experience the risk of "student" identity loss in a more authoritative teacher-student relationship, indicating that students' self-identity has become a problem. In the second chapter, they experience the status of "seed player" or "excellent student" in a more democratic teacher-student relationship. In the third chapter, double contrast is used to show the transformation of the object's identity from "holding the halo" to "losing the aura". In the fourth chapter, through the related experiences of the subjects, they make the status choices of "my morality makes me unacceptable", "I am not a robot" and "I can only keep nodding". The third part is the fifth chapter of this paper. This part presents three contents, first, through a situational case of the central figure, which shows that the exploration of self-identity is a continuous process; secondly, summarizes the specific factors that affect the relationship between teachers and students and self-identification. And how the teacher-student relationship interacts with the individual self-identity; the third is to review and reflect on the whole research process. First of all, the connotation of "self-identity" of the subjects in this study is always the exploration of their self-identity, with social, reflective, sense of direction and sense of meaning. This foreign term, although there is a certain strangeness, but the real impact on their learning career. Secondly, the relationship between teachers and students is a very important social relationship. From the teacher's point of view, whether the student respects the authority of the teacher, the student's academic achievement or academic performance, the family background, whether the student gives gifts to the teacher, whether or not he is in the class and the student's sex all affect the teacher-student relationship. From the student's point of view, the teacher's teaching level or academic achievements, the teacher's "face", the teacher's personality charm and the teacher's positive or negative words all affect the teacher-student relationship. Third, the relationship between teachers and students affects students' self-identity. When the teacher-student relationship is alienated by specific influencing factors, it will hinder students' self-identification, while a kind of democratic or positive teacher-student relationship will promote students' self-identity when it leads students to grow up.
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