[Abstract]:The practical knowledge of normal school students is the key knowledge of their professional development after entering the profession. Its formation and development is based on the integration of individual personality, self-reflection of experience, practical environment and interpersonal support, etc. The action research, which is characterized by practice reflection, allows the participants of action to use specific research methods to make systematic and detailed reflection on their own practical behavior, which can be used as a way to promote the generation and development of practical knowledge of normal school students. Its strategies include building a curriculum atmosphere to promote the action research of normal school students, developing and perfecting the steps of action research of normal school students, taking teaching narrative as an important form of action research, and attaching importance to the cooperation in the process of action research. To promote effective reflection based on theoretical knowledge of normal school students.
【作者单位】: 温州大学教师教育学院;温州医科大学创新创业教育学院;
【基金】:2016年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“以提升职前教师反思能力为指向的‘分段式’教育研习模式研究”(16YJA880019) 2014年浙江省提升地方高校办学水平专项资金项目“小学教师职前教育理论与实践创新团队”研究成果之一
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