[Abstract]:As a key element of national security, ideological security is closely related to the safety of a country, the stability of a nation and the harmony of society. Judging from the overall development of the country, China is in a critical period of social transformation and reform and opening to the outside world. The whole society is faced with many problems and challenges, and there are many manifestations in the ideological domain. At the same time, the rapid development of the network and the continuous expansion and popularization of various new communication carriers also provide some convenience for some western countries to propagate western ideology and values in our country. As the backbone of the cause of socialist modernization, college students are the hope of the country and the future of the nation, and the main force of the sustained development of socialism. The security of ideology among them is of great importance to national security and social development. Therefore, it is of great value to explore the ideological safety education of college students from the point of view of "pan-spread" environment. However, at present, the related research on ideological safety education of college students under the environment of "pan-propagation" is not very deep in our country, and there are many problems worth exploring. Therefore, on the basis of literature review and questionnaire survey, this study specifically expounds the definition, function and characteristics of ideology, ideological security, ideological safety education of college students, and pan-propagation, etc. Deeply understanding the ideological trends of college students in the environment of "pan-communication", and further analyzing the problems existing in ideological safety education in our country's colleges and universities and the influence of "pan-communication" on them, Therefore, the improvement strategies and suggestions are put forward in order to improve the research and work in this area.
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