[Abstract]:In the current first-class discipline construction, many universities mainly follow the economic logic, make the discipline construction excessively pursue the input-output ratio, the utilitarian color is strong, the natural ecology of the discipline development is destroyed, and the discipline is out of balance. In fact, the subject teaching has been neglected, the discipline has lost the foundation of sustainable development, the discipline evaluation system has not paid enough attention to the application of knowledge, and the discipline construction lacks the deep social soil. The funds of discipline construction are obviously insufficient in the soft environment construction, such as the environment, system and concept of discipline development. Based on the purpose of subject production, dissemination and application of knowledge, and the heterogeneity, situational, interdisciplinary, social reflection, scale effect and nativeness of contemporary knowledge production model, from the perspective of university, The construction of first-class disciplines must follow the principle of dialectical unity of knowledge production logic and economic logic, with knowledge production logic as the main line and economic logic as supplement. The concrete manifestations are as follows: sticking to the main line of knowledge production logic; highlighting the nativeness and application of knowledge; advocating the idea of "subject group"; insisting on the concept of "subject" in an all-round way to highlight the elements of teaching in the discipline; strengthening the construction of first-class discipline team; Reduce the gross interference of administrative power and make the discipline a self-organizing system.
【作者单位】: 苏州大学教育学院;
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