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发布时间:2018-12-10 12:33
[Abstract]:In today's highly developed market economy, the society needs a large number of talents who receive higher education, which puts forward a very high demand for the cultivation of talents in colleges and universities. The Party and government propose to build world-class universities and disciplines to improve the level of higher education in China. Since the reform and opening to the outside world, the institutional reform of colleges and universities in China has been exploring and has made some achievements, but it has not yet met the expectations of people. The internal power structure of colleges and universities has a great influence on the management of colleges and universities. Under the modern university system, the administrative and academic dualistic power structure exists in our country's colleges and universities, which is too strong and suppresses the exertion of academic power. There are four kinds of power in colleges and universities in our country, they are political power, administrative power, academic power and democratic power. The corresponding power subjects are the Congress of Party committee, president, professor and faculty respectively. The four kinds of power run at the same time, the collision and conflict between each other is inevitable, which brings great difficulty to management. When the political power crosses the boundary, it interferes with the executive power of the president and the school committee, the administrative power suppresses the academic power and the democratic power, and affects the effective exertion of the university academic power. The misalignment of academic power affects the leadership of the Party and the implementation of the principles and policies, resulting in a loose organization, and the excessive expansion of democratic power will affect the efficiency of the administrative power and increase the operating cost. Public colleges and universities in China are funded by the government and belong to public institutions. The traditional management system is greatly influenced by the government management system, the administrative power is relatively strong, the necessary supervision and restriction are lacking, and the power operation mechanism is not institutionalized for a long time. Under the background of the reform of higher education nowadays, it is facing the challenge of the established pattern in practice to probe into the running mechanism of the internal power in colleges and universities, and at the same time, it lacks effective theoretical guidance. At present, the domestic research on university power is more about correcting the imbalance of academic and administrative dualistic power structure, in order to enhance the weight of academic power, so as to make the two operate harmoniously and form a mechanism. This research direction itself ignores the position and influence of political power and democratic power in colleges and universities. The system of president responsibility under the leadership of party committees is the fundamental system of our party's leadership over institutions of higher learning. It is an important guarantee for colleges and universities to adhere to the socialist direction of running a school, and democratic management is an important part of this system. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part makes clear the importance and significance of the construction of university power operation mechanism from the background of the current university reform. At the same time, combing the domestic and foreign research on this issue, clarify the theoretical basis of university power. This paper discusses the theory of polycentric governance in detail, which paves the way for the following discussion. The second part mainly analyzes the current situation and existing problems of the internal power operation mechanism in colleges and universities in China. The current power structure of colleges and universities is scientific in terms of system construction, but there are some insurmountable problems in the process of practical operation, and at the same time, with the development of the times, the system construction also needs to keep pace with the times. The third part mainly focuses on the western countries where the modern university system originated, and explores the internal power structure of British and American universities in detail, in order to find out the general law and provide reference for our reform. The fourth part takes the theory of multi-center governance as the path and puts forward a set of constructive scheme to support the optimization of the internal power operation mechanism in colleges and universities in our country.


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