[Abstract]:The Research Excellence Framework (REF) in the United Kingdom is a new evaluation system of scientific research quality in public universities and scientific research institutions. Ref has reformed and innovated the evaluation methods, including: setting up 36 evaluation units. To carry out the assessment on a subject-based basis; Clear the three dimensions of evaluation, taking into account the quality of the results and external impact; Multi-level evaluation results, taking into account universities and disciplines. Ref for the achievements of scientific research in colleges and universities, diversity, The reform of ref reflects the value turn that is taking place in the scientific research evaluation of British colleges and universities: from focusing on the quantity of scientific research results to paying attention to the quality of scientific research results; From paying attention to the influence of scientific research achievement in the academic system to taking into account the external social influence, from paying attention to the present scientific research output to paying attention to the ability of sustainable development in the future.
【作者单位】: 首都师范大学教育学院、首都教育发展协同创新中心;英国曼彻斯特大学商学院创新研究所;
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