[Abstract]:In recent years, colleges and universities continue to expand enrollment, the problem of difficult employment of college students has become a social consensus. Nautical graduates, as a group with obvious professional counterpart advantages, from the perspective of talent training, it is their main career choice to join in the shipping industry and become excellent navigational talents. However, in real life, the phenomenon of vocational diversion of marine graduates is rather serious, resulting in a serious waste of resources in marine education in China, and at the same time has a great impact on the sustainable development of maritime transport. Using the methods of literature analysis, case interview and questionnaire survey, this study investigated the factors affecting career choice behavior of 2017 nautical graduates in colleges and universities of H, and made a comprehensive exploration of the factors affecting the career choice behavior of the graduates. It can be used as a reference for the construction of high-quality shipping talents and the sustainable development of navigation education. This research analyzes the current career choice behavior of nautical graduates, compiles the questionnaire of influencing factors of career choice behavior of marine graduates, and uses the research method of empirical analysis. Through factor analysis, mean analysis, difference analysis and so on, this paper summarizes four major factors influencing career choice behavior of nautical graduates, that is, career development factor, social capital factor, and so on. Human capital factor and career value factor have an important influence on career choice behavior of nautical graduates. At the same time, on the basis of social support theory and rational choice theory, through the results of case interviews and data analysis, this paper probes into the influencing factors of career choice behavior of nautical graduates, starting from the perspective of social support. This paper analyzes the formal social support and informal social support of nautical graduates, and from the perspective of the government, society, schools and individuals, provides support to nautical graduates, puts forward some valuable ideas and suggestions, and improves their career planning. It enriches the training and construction of shipping talents team by guiding the navigation graduates to get employment on the ship.
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