[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of ideal and belief classroom teaching, and to explore the internal mechanism of the effective role of ideal and belief classroom teaching and the empirical research path of ideal and belief classroom teaching by combining the relevant theories of quantum physics, social psychology and positive psychology. On the basis of previous studies, this study designed the questionnaire on the effectiveness of ideal and belief classroom Teaching and the interview questionnaire for College students' expectation of ideal and belief classroom Teaching. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 800 students from 4 public colleges and universities in Chengdu. Descriptive statistical analysis, t test, single factor variance analysis and stepwise regression analysis were carried out by using SPSS 22.0 statistical software. It is concluded that the present situation of the effectiveness of ideal and belief classroom teaching is as follows: (1) the overall situation of the effectiveness of ideal and belief classroom teaching is not ideal. (2) there is no significant difference in the overall evaluation of the effectiveness of ideal and belief classroom teaching in different school types and the variables of Communist Party members, in different grades, different genders, different majors, student cadres, one-child variables, There are significant differences in the variables of the source of students. (3) there are no significant differences in the variables of the only child in the classroom teaching of ideal and belief, but there are significant differences in the variables of different school types, different grades, different genders, different majors, student cadres, Communist Party members and student source variables. On the basis of consulting the relevant literature and the investigation results of the present situation, this paper compiles the scheme of ideal and belief classroom teaching, and interferes with the internal function mechanism of the effectiveness of ideal and belief classroom teaching through the comparative experiment between the experimental class and the control class. Through the statistical analysis of the scale data, it is found that there is a significant difference between the results of the pre-test and the post-test, and the average score of the post-test is significantly higher than that of the pre-test. At the same time, the results of the post-test and the control class are also significantly different, and the average score of the post-test of the experimental class is significantly higher than the average score of the control class, which shows that the intervention of this study on the effectiveness of ideal and belief classroom teaching is effective. It can be seen that the construction of energy field, the experience of positive emotion, the promotion of self-efficacy and the strengthening of goal thinking, dynamic thinking and methodological thinking are the internal mechanisms of the effective role of ideal and belief classroom teaching.
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