发布时间:2022-12-11 10:05
本文从科学发展角度回顾了国内外短期气候预测的发展历程;在此基础上,回顾了南京信息工程大学建校60 a来短期气候预测领域的团队建设及其在教学、科研和预测方面的实践,并展望其未来工作。
【文章页数】:23 页
1 短期气候预测的发展历程回顾
1.1 初始阶段
1.2 探索阶段
1.3 发展阶段
2 六十载攀登路
2.1 教学团队
2.2 科学研究
2.3 国际交流
3 教学工作回顾
3.1 坚守教学初心
3.2 优化教学计划
3.3 推进教材建设
3.4 做好教学工作
4 科研若干进展
4.1 东亚和中国气候变异机理研究
4.2 大气环流异常动力学及其影响研究
4.3 海气相互作用及其影响研究
4.4 陆面过程研究
4.5 短期气候预测方法研究
5 展望
[1]时空投影模型(STPM)的次季节至季节(S2S)预测应用进展[J]. 徐邦琪,臧钰歆,朱志伟,李天明. 大气科学学报. 2020(01)
[2]Madden–Julian Oscillation: Its Discovery, Dynamics, and Impact on East Asia[J]. Tim LI,Jian LING,Pang-Chi HSU. Journal of Meteorological Research. 2020(01)
[3]A Possible Approach for Decadal Prediction of the PDO[J]. Yanyan HUANG,Huijun WANG. Journal of Meteorological Research. 2020(01)
[4]CLM4.5冠层截留方案的敏感性试验与改进[J]. 陈海山,穆梦圆,尹伊,朱司光,李兴,孙善磊. 大气科学学报. 2019(03)
[5]Evaluating the Brewer–Dobson circulation and its responses to ENSO, QBO, and the solar cycle in different reanalyses[J]. Jian Rao,YueYue Yu,Dong Guo,ChunHua Shi,Dan Chen,DingZhu Hu. Earth and Planetary Physics. 2019(02)
[6]近几年我国霾污染实时季节预测概要[J]. 尹志聪,王会军,段明铿. 大气科学学报. 2019(01)
[7]Verification and Improvement of the Ability of CFSv2 to Predict the Antarctic Oscillation in Boreal Spring[J]. Dapeng ZHANG,Yanyan HUANG,Bo SUN,Fei LI,Huijun WANG. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 2019(03)
[8]Regional Features and Seasonality of Land–Atmosphere Coupling over Eastern China[J]. Chujie GAO,Haishan CHEN,Shanlei SUN,Bei XU,Victor ONGOMA,Siguang ZHU,Hedi MA,Xing LI. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 2018(06)
[9]Evaluating the Capabilities of Soil Enthalpy, Soil Moisture and Soil Temperature in Predicting Seasonal Precipitation[J]. Changyu ZHAO,Haishan CHEN,Shanlei SUN. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 2018(04)
[10]南亚高压与邻近地区臭氧变化的相互作用[J]. 覃皓,郭栋,施春华,李震坤,周顺武,黄莹,苏昱丞,王琳玮. 大气科学. 2018(02)
[1]利用CAM-RegCM嵌套模式预测我国夏季降水异常[D]. 邓伟涛.南京信息工程大学 2008
【文章页数】:23 页
1 短期气候预测的发展历程回顾
1.1 初始阶段
1.2 探索阶段
1.3 发展阶段
2 六十载攀登路
2.1 教学团队
2.2 科学研究
2.3 国际交流
3 教学工作回顾
3.1 坚守教学初心
3.2 优化教学计划
3.3 推进教材建设
3.4 做好教学工作
4 科研若干进展
4.1 东亚和中国气候变异机理研究
4.2 大气环流异常动力学及其影响研究
4.3 海气相互作用及其影响研究
4.4 陆面过程研究
4.5 短期气候预测方法研究
5 展望
[1]时空投影模型(STPM)的次季节至季节(S2S)预测应用进展[J]. 徐邦琪,臧钰歆,朱志伟,李天明. 大气科学学报. 2020(01)
[2]Madden–Julian Oscillation: Its Discovery, Dynamics, and Impact on East Asia[J]. Tim LI,Jian LING,Pang-Chi HSU. Journal of Meteorological Research. 2020(01)
[3]A Possible Approach for Decadal Prediction of the PDO[J]. Yanyan HUANG,Huijun WANG. Journal of Meteorological Research. 2020(01)
[4]CLM4.5冠层截留方案的敏感性试验与改进[J]. 陈海山,穆梦圆,尹伊,朱司光,李兴,孙善磊. 大气科学学报. 2019(03)
[5]Evaluating the Brewer–Dobson circulation and its responses to ENSO, QBO, and the solar cycle in different reanalyses[J]. Jian Rao,YueYue Yu,Dong Guo,ChunHua Shi,Dan Chen,DingZhu Hu. Earth and Planetary Physics. 2019(02)
[6]近几年我国霾污染实时季节预测概要[J]. 尹志聪,王会军,段明铿. 大气科学学报. 2019(01)
[7]Verification and Improvement of the Ability of CFSv2 to Predict the Antarctic Oscillation in Boreal Spring[J]. Dapeng ZHANG,Yanyan HUANG,Bo SUN,Fei LI,Huijun WANG. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 2019(03)
[8]Regional Features and Seasonality of Land–Atmosphere Coupling over Eastern China[J]. Chujie GAO,Haishan CHEN,Shanlei SUN,Bei XU,Victor ONGOMA,Siguang ZHU,Hedi MA,Xing LI. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 2018(06)
[9]Evaluating the Capabilities of Soil Enthalpy, Soil Moisture and Soil Temperature in Predicting Seasonal Precipitation[J]. Changyu ZHAO,Haishan CHEN,Shanlei SUN. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 2018(04)
[10]南亚高压与邻近地区臭氧变化的相互作用[J]. 覃皓,郭栋,施春华,李震坤,周顺武,黄莹,苏昱丞,王琳玮. 大气科学. 2018(02)
[1]利用CAM-RegCM嵌套模式预测我国夏季降水异常[D]. 邓伟涛.南京信息工程大学 2008