发布时间:2018-02-08 22:27
本文关键词: 义务教育 择校 济南市 对策 出处:《山东师范大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 择校是我国各大中小城市普遍存在的问题,也是90年代以来我国基础教育研究的热点问题。所谓中小学择校,就是指家长放弃义务教育阶段适龄儿童按学区免费就近入学的优惠政策,主动选择其他学校就读的教育选择现象。择校现象愈演愈烈,己经成为基础教育发展过程中人们普遍关注、教育部门必须解决的热点和难点问题,成为教育体制改革的焦点问题。因此,对择校现象进行深入的研究,正本清源,澄清是非,正确认识择校问题,寻求有效解决途径是每一个教育工作者应该认真思考的一个问题,也是研究这一社会问题的出发点。 由择校引发的生源大战,在一定程度上造成了教育市场的混乱现象,影响了正常的办学秩序。同时,择校生的收费问题,也成为中小学高收费现象中最突出的一个社会问题。 一直以来,教育理论界、舆论都对择校褒贬不一,而教育公平问题也一直是教育领域一个悬而未决的大问题。大规模的义务教育择校问题的出现是在我国“就近入学”政策实施之后。由于“重点校”制度的存在,学校间的差距悬殊,家长们为了孩子能进一所好学校而四处奔波,希望通过择校能给孩子带来一个好的前途,而不希望他进薄弱学校而输在起跑线上,择校之风就这样愈演愈烈。 本文主要通过四个部分对于济南市义务教育阶段择校问题进行研究。在绪论部分,对本研究的背景和研究的意义进行了表述,并对择校的基本理论进行了阐述;文章的第二部分对于择校的原因、影响以及济南市基础教育现状进行了分析。文章的第三部分针对济南市义务教育阶段择校问题的调查问卷的调查结果进行分析,从家长择校意愿和学校择校意愿等两个方面进行较为系统的分析;文章的第四部分对于济南市治理择校问题提出了一些对策性建议。 本文通过对我国现阶段义务教育的本质分析,透视择校现象的本质,提出在社会主义市场经济体制建立过程中,必须恪守义务教育“免收学费”、“就近入学”、“平等受教育”的原则。择校作为一种一种古今有之的社会现象,只要学校之间的差距还存在,这种现象还将存在下去。因此,解决择校需求也不应一味硬堵,而应当承认教育选择的合理性、现实性;同时,还必须提供制度化的机制,增强平等的进程,从教育权利、教育活动和教育结果几方面把握教育公平,将公民的正当择校权利同择校过程中出现的问题分开。加大教育投入,加强薄弱学校的建设,努力缩小校际间差距,强化就近入学政策。同时,加强对择校生的管理,扶持办好民办中小学校,从多种途径,多种形式来逐步解决择校现象。 期望通过本文的研究对于改善济南市义务教育现状、治理择校带来的不利影响有所裨益。
[Abstract]:School selection is a common problem in all large, medium and small cities in China, and it has also been a hot issue in the study of basic education in China since 90s. This means that parents give up the preferential policy of free and nearby school attendance for children of school age in the compulsory education stage and take the initiative to choose other schools. The phenomenon of school selection is becoming more and more serious. In the course of the development of basic education, people have paid more and more attention to it, and the education departments must solve the hot and difficult problems, which have become the focus of the reform of the education system. Therefore, it is necessary to make a thorough study on the phenomenon of school selection and clarify the right and wrong. It is a problem that every educator should seriously think about and the starting point of studying this social problem. At the same time, the problem of selecting students' fees has also become the most prominent social problem in the phenomenon of high fees in primary and secondary schools, which to some extent has caused confusion in the education market and affected the normal order of running a school. All along, the educational theorists and the public opinion have different opinions on the choice of schools. However, the issue of educational fairness has always been an outstanding problem in the field of education. The emergence of the large-scale compulsory education school selection policy has come after the implementation of the policy of "proximity to school". Because of the existence of the "key school" system, The gap between schools is wide. Parents are running around for their children to get into a good school, hoping to bring a good future to their child by choosing a school, rather than losing the starting line to a weak school. The wind of school selection is becoming more and more intense. In the introduction part, the background and significance of this study are described, and the basic theory of school selection is expounded. The second part of the article analyzes the reasons, effects and the current situation of elementary education in Jinan. The third part analyzes the results of the questionnaire on school selection in compulsory education in Jinan. This paper makes a systematic analysis from two aspects: parents' willingness to choose school and school's will to choose school. Part 4th of the article puts forward some countermeasures for the governance of school choice in Jinan. Based on the analysis of the nature of compulsory education at the present stage of our country and the essence of the phenomenon of school selection, this paper puts forward that in the process of establishing the socialist market economy system, We must abide by the principles of compulsory education "free of tuition fees", "access to school nearby" and "equal access to education". As a social phenomenon, school selection, as an ancient and modern social phenomenon, will continue as long as the gap between schools still exists. Nor should the need for school choice be met only by hard blocking, but by recognizing the reasonableness and reality of educational choices. At the same time, it is also necessary to provide institutionalized mechanisms to enhance the process of equality from the perspective of the right to education. The educational activities and the educational results should grasp the educational fairness, separate the citizen's right to choose school from the problems in the process of choosing the school, increase the educational investment, strengthen the construction of the weak school, and make great efforts to narrow the gap between schools. At the same time, we should strengthen the management of selecting students, support the running of private primary and secondary schools, and gradually solve the school selection phenomenon in various ways and forms. It is expected that the research in this paper will benefit to improve the present situation of compulsory education in Jinan and to deal with the adverse effects of school selection.
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1 车宗哲;济南市义务教育择校现状调查研究[D];山东师范大学;2011年
2 张静;对高中择校的理性思考[D];杭州师范大学;2011年
3 徐家军;农村中小学择校问题研究[D];山东师范大学;2012年
4 宋静;河南省农村义务教育择校问题研究[D];河南大学;2012年
5 田岚洁;教育公平视域下的我国择校问题研究[D];中国青年政治学院;2012年
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7 张晓菲;我国义务教育择校问题研究[D];重庆师范大学;2012年
8 郝俊丽;中小学学生择校的社会学分析[D];沈阳师范大学;2013年