本文关键词: 大学生 孤独感 社交能力水平 气质类型 团体干预 出处:《首都师范大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 当某种社会需要得不到满足,或者对社会关系的渴望与现实拥有的实际水平产生差距时,就会产生孤独感,而长期或严重的孤独对身心发展极为不利。从上个世纪70年代开始,西方学者对孤独感开展了广泛的研究,近年来,国内对孤独感的研究发展也比较快,但主要是问卷调查和数据搜集,干预研究较少。 本研究采用量表法以453名大学生为样本,主要考察了性别、年级和城乡生源因素对大学生孤独感和社交能力水平、气质类型的影响,以及大学生孤独感和气质类型、社交能力水平之间的关系。由于目前为止国内外还没有整合山一套适合大学生孤独感的完整的团体干预方案,而研究证明社交技能水平会对孤独感产生影响。所以,本研究在此理论上招募16名孤独感程度较高的被试,实验组和控制组各8人,按照提升自信心、认知纠正和新行为训练三个阶段,对实验组进行了为期八周的社交训练团体干预,控制组不作处理,考察了社交团体干预对降低大学生孤独感水平的效果。本研究的主要结论有: 1.大学生孤独感水平在性别、年级和生源上存在显著差异。男生孤独感水平显著高于女生,二三年级的孤独感水平显著高于一年级学生的孤独感水平,来自农村学生的孤独感水平显著高于来自城市学生的。 2.大学生社交能力水平总体上在性别、年级和生源上不存在显著性差异,但是男生在适当拒绝和情感支持维度上显著低于女生,一年级学生在情感支持上显著低于二年级学生,农村学生在主动交往和自我表露方面显著低于城市学生。 3.大学生气质类型在性别和生源上均无显著性差异,但是往年级上,一年级学生在情绪性上显著低于二三年级学生,在活动性上显著低于二年级学生。 4.大学生的社交能力水平、气质类型与孤独感之间存在显著相关性,气质类型中的情绪性和社会性因子,还有社交能力水平中的情感支持和自我表露因子可以显著影响孤独感水平。 5.以认知行为理论为基础,结合伊恩的团体阶段理念整合出的新社交团体干预方式可以显著降低大学生的孤独感水平,通过团体咨询,大学生的孤独感水平降低了,与人交往更融洽了。 6.本研究设计的社交团体活动方案是一套切实有效的大学生孤独感干预方案,经过细化和修订可以在学生工作和咨询工作中进行推广和重复应用。
[Abstract]:When certain social needs are not met, or when there is a gap between the desire for social relations and the actual level of reality, a sense of loneliness is created, and long-term or severe loneliness is extremely detrimental to physical and mental development. Western scholars have carried out a wide range of research on loneliness. In recent years, the research on loneliness has developed rapidly in China, but mainly questionnaire survey and data collection, intervention research is less. In this study, 453 college students were used as a sample to investigate the effects of gender, grade and urban and rural factors on college students' loneliness and social ability, temperament types, loneliness and temperament types. Since there is no comprehensive group intervention program for college students' loneliness at home and abroad so far, studies have shown that social skills can have an impact on loneliness. In this study, 16 subjects with higher loneliness were recruited theoretically, including 8 subjects in the experimental group and 8 in the control group, according to the three stages of promoting self-confidence, cognitive correction and new behavior training. Eight weeks of social training group intervention was carried out in the experimental group, and the control group did not deal with it. The effect of social group intervention on reducing college students' loneliness level was investigated. The main conclusions of this study were as follows:. 1. There were significant differences in the level of loneliness between male and female students in gender, grade and student origin. The loneliness level in Grade 2 and Grade 3 was significantly higher than that in Grade 1. The loneliness level of rural students was significantly higher than that of urban students. 2. There was no significant difference in the level of social ability between male and female students in general, but male students were significantly lower than female students in the dimensions of appropriate rejection and emotional support, and the first grade students were significantly lower in emotional support than those of sophomore students. Rural students were significantly lower in active communication and self-disclosure than urban students. 3. There was no significant difference in temperament types between sexes and students, but in the past grade, the first grade students were significantly lower than the second and the third grade students in emotion, and the second grade students in the activity. 4. There is significant correlation among social ability level, temperament type and loneliness, emotional and social factors in temperament type. Affective support and self-disclosure factors in the level of social ability can significantly affect loneliness levels. 5. Based on the cognitive behavior theory, the new social group intervention method combined with Ian's group stage concept can significantly reduce the loneliness level of college students. Through group counseling, the loneliness level of college students is reduced. There's a better relationship with people. 6. The social group activity scheme designed in this study is a practical and effective intervention scheme for college students' loneliness, which can be popularized and repeated in student work and counseling after refinement and revision.
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