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  本文关键词: 印象管理倾向 印象管理参照图式 印象管理取向 印象管理策略 情境 出处:《陕西师范大学》2008年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 印象管理/自我呈现是自我的社会认知研究的核心关注点。自从Goffman(1959)的开创性工作以来,有关印象管理的研究在社会心理学领域积累了大量资料。着重探讨了个体在社会环境中的“变色龙”效应。本文从人格心理学视角的自我研究出发,重视个体在社会情境下的能动性和主动调节过程,把印象管理看成是积极的自我建构过程,并以青少年为研究对象,将印象管理看作是青少年社会适应、社会化进程中的必备社会技能。 在理论分析部分,论文首先对社会心理学视野下的印象管理研究进行了梳理,然后对人格心理学领域自我社会性、自我信息加工、自我图式、内隐自我等内容进行了回顾,并对社会情境研究方法和人-情境互动问题进行了概括。 实证研究由四个研究内容、两条研究主线组成,先后对1500名中学生进行了研究。相关研究采用论文首创的情境-角色法情境问卷探讨了青少年印象管理的外显模式及其影响因素,并考察了青少年印象管理倾向特征和影响因素。实验研究采用内隐实验手段探讨青少年印象管理模式的内隐特点,即青少年印象管理中的自我图式、内隐自我、内隐自我信息加工特征。具体研究如下: 1青少年印象管理倾向的分离 研究一编制了青少年印象管理倾向量表,项目分析和因素分析显示青少年印象管理中存在自我倾向和人际倾向两个维度。 研究二考察了青少年不同印象管理倾向的影响因素。发现自我倾向印象管理无年级、性别差异,且受到外向性、开放性、自尊预测;印象管理人际倾向高中生比初中生好,预测因素有自我监控、情绪性和谨慎性,后两个因子的预测都说明中学生的人际和谐还有待发展。 综上,作为动机和目的,中学生印象管理倾向发展趋势是由自我和谐到自我与人际共同和谐。 2青少年印象管理参照图式的外显与内隐加工 研究三探讨了不同参照图式不同角色下青少年印象管理反应特点及其影响因素。发现语义图式下的印象管理水平高,尤其是人际道德角色,自我图式在能力角色上高掩饰。高中生和女生主张角色高掩饰。自我监控、谨慎性可预测掩饰性但预测系数不高,显示情境因素影响更大。 研究四运用信号检测理论检验了自我图式、理想特质图式、语义图式三个参照图式下的高中生对印象管理词汇和诚实反应词汇的回忆辨别力和记忆偏向。发现三个图式下的词汇辨别力没有差异,而判断标准有差异,出现了指数性分离。自我图式、理想特质图式判断标准较严,提示这两种图式下的印象管理行为反应更易受到主观因素影响,自我呈现卷入程度更大。 研究五考察了认知评价对三种参照图式下高中生印象管理水平的调节作用,发现自我评价使自我图式参照达到高卷入状态,其次是理想特质图式,而对语义图式参照影响不大。提示语义图式下的印象管理行为扮演具有刻板化和程式化倾向。 综上可得,印象管理的自我图式加工具有更强的内隐性。 3青少年印象管理取向的外显与内隐特征 研究六考察了不同情境下青少年印象管理取向和情境取向的匹配性及其影响因素。发现中学生在人际、道德情境中展现自己相应的人际技能和道德品质,在陌生人前展现良好人际品质,尤其女生更是这样。在能力情境中只有面对熟悉对象才展现才能,在权威面前展现道德与人际品质。印象管理匹配取向受到情境因素尤其是情境对象的重要影响,而人格因素预测力不高。 研究七采用了GNAT内隐认知实验对比了中学生对能力自我和道德自我的内隐态度。发现能力自我和道德自我的内隐积极效应等同,在能力自我上男生的内隐积极效应大于女生。结合研究六可知,中学生在情境下表现出道德自我获得社会赞许是情境因素的强制约束作用。 研究八探讨了中西方文化启动下青少年印象管理取向判断,发现了文化背景作为情境因素的启动效应,西方文化下角色更多展现能力自我。 研究九考察了情绪启动对青少年印象管理能力取向的影响,没有发现启动效应。 研究十探讨了具有社会意义的样例启动对青少年印象管理取向的影响,发现了启动效应。 综上,印象管理取向是一个深刻的文化和情境因素,较少受到个体特征影响,文化和情境因素对印象管理取向的影响可达自动加工水平,但不同取向自我的内隐积极效应内隐性更强。且印象管理取向表达的社会化在中学阶段已经完成。 4青少年印象管理策略选取的适应性变化 研究十一通过对不同情境下青少年印象管理的策略选取及其影响因素进行研究发现,道德情境中更多使用获得性策略,面对权威对象时较少使用。高中生、女生印象管理策略使用稳定而趋于成熟。外向性、自尊、情绪性可预测获得性策略,且外向性可预测人际和道德情境,自尊可预测能力和权威情境,预测系数均较高,提示印象管理策略受到人格因素较大影响。 研究十二采用注意探测任务和回忆任务研究了不同印象管理策略青少年对印象管理策略词汇的认知加工偏向,结果发现,不同印象管理策略的中学生对相应的印象管理策略词汇存在自动化的选择性加工偏向和提取偏向。 研究十三探讨了情绪启动对青少年印象管理策略选取的影响,发现了情绪的启动效应。 研究十四考察了行为特征启动对青少年印象管理策略选取的影响,发现了启动效应。 综上,印象管理策略是作为一种比较稳定的行为特征(人格因素)存在,具有内隐加工特征,不过其表现受到情境因素制约,个体在情境因素和自身特征之间进行协调。 作为对研究发现的总结,论文提出“情境图式”表达个体对社会情境的认知;针对情境系统提出“个体特征系统”表达个体在认知、情感、动机、态度、行为特征等方面的独特性的大人格观;提出青少年印象管理适应性发展模型“情境个体特征→印象管理行为模式”,其基本含义包括:情境系统和个体特征系统是印象管理的条件和影响因素且存在协变关系、印象管理外显和内隐模式统一于适应性、自我和谐与人际和谐是中国文化背景下青少年印象管理的共同目标。
[Abstract]:Impression management / self presentation is the study of social cognition of self core concerns. Since Goffman (1959) since the pioneering work, research on impression management has accumulated a large amount of data in the field of social psychology. Focuses on the individual in the social environment of the "chameleon" effect. This paper from the Perspective of self personality psychology research of the importance of individual initiative in social situations and initiative adjusting process, the impression management as a positive self construction process, and to the youth as the research object, the impression management as adolescent social adaptation, the socialization of the necessary social skills.
In the part of theoretical analysis, firstly, from the perspective of social psychology impression management are discussed, then the field of social psychology of personality self, self information processing, self schema, implicit self content was reviewed, and the problems of social situation situation interaction research methods and people are summarized.
An empirical study by four research contents, two main lines, successively to 1500 middle school students were investigated. The first research situation of youth role situation questionnaire method of impression management explicit model and its influencing factors, and the effects of adolescent impression characteristics and influencing factors of management by experimental research tendency. The implicit experimental method to explore the implicit features of teenagers' impression management mode, namely the teenagers in impression management self schema, implicit self, implicit self information processing characteristics. The specific studies are as follows:
1 separation of adolescent impression management tendencies
In the first part, the impression management tendencies scale of adolescents was compiled. Item analysis and factor analysis showed that there were two dimensions of impression management in adolescents: self tendency and interpersonal tendency.
Study two investigated the influencing factors of different impression management tendency of adolescents. Self discovery tendency of impression management no grade, gender differences, and extraversion, openness, self-esteem, interpersonal tendency prediction; impression management of senior high school students than junior high school students good, predictors of self-monitoring, emotional and cautious, predicted two factors all students need to develop interpersonal harmony.
To sum up, as a motive and purpose, the tendency of middle school students' impression management tendency is from self harmony to self and interpersonal harmony.
2 explicit and implicit processing of reference schema for adolescent impression management
Study three discusses the different characteristics and the influence of different reaction factors refer to the role of youth impression management schema. Find semantic schema under the impression management level is high, especially the interpersonal moral character, high ability of self schema to cover up in character. High school students and girls advocate the role of high cover. Self monitoring, caution can predict the concealment but prediction the coefficient is not high, showing greater influence of situational factors.
Study four using signal detection theory to test the ideal characteristics of self schema, schema, semantic schema three reference schema for high school students under bias on impression management vocabulary and vocabulary memory honest reaction of discrimination and memory. Three words without discrimination under schema differences, and the criteria are different, the index of separation. Self schema, the ideal characteristics of schema judgment standards are very strict, prompt reaction of these two kinds of impression management behavior under the schema more vulnerable to subjective factors, self presentation involved in a greater degree.
Study five examines the moderating effect of cognitive evaluation of three high school students under the schema reference impression management level, found self evaluation self schema reference to the high involvement condition, followed by the ideal characteristics of schema, while reference has little influence on the semantic schema. That impression management behavior under the semantic schema play a stereotyped and stylized tendency.
As a result, the image processing of impression management has a stronger internal recessive process.
3 explicit and implicit characteristics of adolescent impression management orientation
Study on the six factors were investigated, and the influence of different situations of teenagers impression management orientation and context orientation. In middle school interpersonal, show their corresponding interpersonal skills and moral quality and moral situation, show good interpersonal quality of the strangers, especially girls and more so. In situations facing the familiar objects in order to show only show, morality and interpersonal quality in the presence of impression management, orientation. By situational factors especially important context object, and personality factors predictive power is not high.
Study seven used GNAT implicit cognitive experiments of middle school students on the implicit attitude ability of self and moral self. It is found that the equivalent of implicit positive effects of self and moral self, ability self implicit positive effect on boys than girls. Combined with the study of six middle school students in the context of a moral self social approval is mandatory binding effect of situational factors.
Research eight discussed the judgment of young people's impression management based on the start of Chinese and Western culture, and found that cultural background as a starting factor of situational factors. Western culture shows more roles and self.
In study nine, the influence of emotional start on the ability orientation of adolescent impression management was investigated, and no start effect was found.
Study ten explored the impact of the social significance of the sample start on the adolescent impression management orientation, and found the starting effect.
In summary, the impression management orientation is a profound cultural and situational factors, less influence of the individual characteristics, cultural and situational factors on impression management oriented to automatic processing level, but different orientation of self implicit positive effects of implicit stronger. And the expression of the social orientation of impression management has been completed in the middle school.
4 adaptable changes in the selection of adolescent impression management strategies
Based on the study of eleven different situations of adolescent impression management strategy selection and its influencing factors were studied, using more strategies of moral situations, use less face authority object. High school students, girls impression management strategy use stable and mature. Extraversion, self-esteem, emotional predicted acquisition strategy, and outgoing can predict interpersonal and moral situation, self-esteem can predict the ability and authority situation, the prediction coefficients were higher, suggesting that impression management strategies such as personality factors influence.
Study the use of twelve note detection task and recall tasks on different impression management strategy of adolescent cognitive processing of impression management strategy of lexical bias, results showed that different impression management strategies of the students to choose the automatic production of bias and bias on the vocabulary extraction of impression management strategy accordingly.
In study thirteen, the influence of emotional start on the selection of adolescent impression management strategy was explored, and the starting effect of emotion was found.
In study fourteen, the effects of behavioral characteristics starting on the selection of adolescent impression management strategies were investigated and the starting effect was found.
In conclusion, impression management strategy is a relatively stable behavior trait (personality factor), which has implicit processing characteristics, but its performance is restricted by situational factors, and individuals coordinate between situational factors and their own characteristics.
As a summary of research findings, this paper proposes "context schema" expression of individual cognition on social contexts; for the situation presented "individual character system" in individual cognition, emotion, motivation, attitude, behavior of adult unique features of the concept; a young impression management model "situation of individual adaptability development the characteristics and impression management model", the basic meaning of the system include: situational and individual characteristics is the system conditions and influencing factors of impression management and the existence of covariant relations, impression management, explicit and implicit in a pattern of system adaptability, self harmony and interpersonal harmony is the common goal of youth culture under the background of China impression management.



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1 宁雅童;施旺红;徐金芳;;大学生内隐自尊的价值取向[J];中国健康心理学杂志;2012年09期




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