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  本文选题:科学教学设计与实践 切入点:远程教育 出处:《重庆师范大学》2008年硕士论文

【摘要】: 随着现代教育信息技术的飞速发展,现代远程教育正在全球范围内蓬勃展开。到2000年,国外已经有许多高等院校实施远程教育,并且有些高校建立了国际分校,实现真正意义上的自主学习和资源共享。世纪之初,我国为了适应这一新的教育模式的发展,也启动了国家远程教育网络课程建设工程,希望在高校开发大量的优质网络课程。此外,从2001年12月11日起,中国已经正式成为世贸组织成员。“根据世贸组织各方签署的《服务贸易总协定》,远程教育将成为教育开放的四个领域之一”。可见,建立优质网络课程与国际接轨,是大势所趋,并且迫在眉睫。因此,探索和研究网络课程的开发理论、构成要素、设计原则、管理方式以及编写过程与方法具有重要的现实意义。 本文结合多种现代教育理论和教育技术,选择出最佳网络课程模式:主体—主导式。通过比较多种网络编程技术,本文最后采用HTML、VBScript和JavaScript技术开发静态网页。网站运用Stream技术,建立了网上微格教学实验室,将其他格式的视频文件通过工具软件mpegtool和Helix Producer_Plus_9.0.1转换为流媒体,确保视频和音频信息高质量上传;采用ASP/ADO技术,开发动态页面,实现前台页面与后台数据库的链接和访问。为了体现网络的开放性、交互性和时效性,本文开发了学生作品上传模块和BBS论坛,实现人—机和人—人相互交流。同时,为了方便网站资源上传和不断更新,网站重点开发了网络课程管理系统。 本文是以高等师范院校科学教育本科专业的课程——《科学教学设计与实践》为基础开发网络课程。《科学教学设计与实践》是一门实践性很强的课程,而且所针对的学生是没有教学实践经验的大学生。因此,在计划本网络课程时采用实践环节带动理论的策略,为大学生提供探究、体验和反省的情境和机会。也就是说,尽可能利用学生的典型教例及优秀教师的示范(课堂实录),对学生进行生动的榜样教育。或者,让他们结合实例相互探讨,之后,由教师辅以理论分析。网络课程设置了微格教学实验室、课程学习、练习与测试、学生作品、课程资源与教学论坛等几个主要板块。并且,通过课程设计将它们有机的融合为一体,构成了“十字交叉”的立体网络学习环境。充分发挥学生主体的所用,使学生通过网络实现“做”中学。 本文共分六章。第一章为文献综述,分析了从1997—2006近十年的相关网络课程研究文献,总结了网络课程研究存在的优势和不足;第二、三章研究了和网路课程开发有关理论和技术支持;第四章为《科学教学设计与实践》课程系统分析,介绍了《科学教学设计与实践》网络课程的开发环境,艺术设计及教学设计;第五章为《科学教学设计与实践》网络课程的技术实现,详细介绍了各模块的具体技术实现和开发过程。最后一章对全文做了总结,并指出网站存在的不足和今后进一步研究的方向。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern information technology, modern distance education is developing vigorously in the world. By 2000, there has been the implementation of distance education in many colleges and universities, and some colleges and universities to establish international campuses, realize the true meaning of learning and resources sharing. At the beginning of this century, our country in order to adapt to the development of the new the mode of education and also started the construction of national distance education network course, hope to develop a lot of web-based courses in Colleges and universities. In addition, from December 11, 2001 onwards, Chinese has officially become members of WTO. "According to the WTO, the parties signed the" general agreement on trade in services ", distance education will become one of the" four areas of open education. Obviously, establishing high-quality network course and the international community, is to represent the general trend, and imminent. Therefore, to explore and study the network curriculum development theory. Elements, design principles, management methods, and writing process and methods have important practical significance.
In this paper, combined with modern educational theory and educational technology, choose the best mode of network course: subject oriented. Through the comparison of various network programming technology, we use HTML, VBScript and JavaScript technology development. Static web site using Stream technology, set up the Microteaching lab, the other format video files by mpegtool software Helix and Producer_Plus_9.0.1 converted to streaming video and audio information, to ensure the high quality of upload; using ASP/ADO technology, the development of dynamic pages, realize the front page with the background data link and access database. In order to reflect the openness of the network, interactivity and timeliness, the student works upload module and the BBS forum, realizing person machines and people communicate with each other. At the same time, in order to facilitate web resource upload and update website, focus on the development of the network course management System.
This paper is based on the undergraduate science education major in Normal Universities -- "science curriculum teaching design and Practice for the development of network courses. < > > the design and practice of science teaching is a very practical course, and the students are not practical teaching experience of college students. Therefore, in the network curriculum plan by practice the theory of strategy, provide the inquiry for students, experience and reflection situation and opportunity. That is to say, as far as possible the use of typical teaching cases and excellent teachers and students of the demonstration (classroom), for example education students move to the students. Or, then let them discuss with each other, with examples, analysis by the teacher with the theory. Network curriculum of the Microteaching lab courses, students work practice and test, the main plate, several curriculum resources and Teaching Forum. And through the course design They integrate organically, forming a "cross" three-dimensional network learning environment, giving full play to the use of students' main body, enabling students to achieve "do" through the network.
This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the literature review, analysis of the relevant research literature from the network course of 1997 - 2006 in the past ten years, summed up the existing research on the advantages and disadvantages of the network curriculum; the second, third chapter studies the support and network curriculum development theories and techniques; the fourth chapter is the analysis of "scientific teaching design and practice. The curriculum system, introduces the" science curriculum teaching design and Practice on network development environment, art design and teaching design; the fifth chapter is the implementation of "science curriculum teaching design and practice > network technology, introduces the technical implementation of each module and the process of the development. The last chapter is the summary of the thesis, and pointed out the limitations of the present and future directions for further research.



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