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发布时间:2018-05-26 15:39

  本文选题:教育 + 文化 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2008年博士论文

【摘要】: “论教育与社会发展”所要探讨的中心问题,是教育与社会二者之间的关系问题。在我国的社会、政治、文化生活的较长时间之内,教育与社会发展是一个在思想理论上未能得到应有认识,在现实中未能得到正确解决的实际问题。十一届三中全会以来的30年里,这个问题不论在理论上还是在实践中,都获得了以往几十年里所无可比拟的关注和解决。但是,时至今日,对这个问题的认识,仍需与时俱进,值得作比较系统、更加全面的概括与论述。这也正是教育学基本理论研究的题中应有之义。 教育与社会的关系问题,在教育学理论研究中无疑是一个属于宏观领域的问题。从系统论的角度来看,社会是一个大系统,教育只是社会这个大系统中的一个子系统。所谓教育与社会之间的关系问题,即部分与整体之间的关系问题。教育与社会之间,最具实质性的内涵是什么呢?在笔者看来,一是文化,二是人即人类的个体,文化与人便是教育与社会之间的“胶合剂”,如果抛开这二者,教育与社会便都成为彼此孤立的存在,它们之间就谈不到有任何关系可言。正是有了文化和人在其间,教育与社会不仅关系密切,彼此依存,而且使社会生活纷纭复杂,气象万千,内容丰富,生意盎然。而这些正是本文经过分析所得出应自觉把握的基本思路和如此安排框架结构的主要理由。 第一部分,导论。在简要介绍了本论文研究的问题和背景的基础上,着重分析了研究基础和研究视角的选择,以及研究的主要目的和意义,并简要地说明了研究的思路、内容、方法和创新点。 第二部分,基本概念解读。分别对教育、文化、人、社会的概念及其基本内涵进行了解读,并以此作为把握教育与社会关系问题的认识基础,为后面研究教育、文化、人、社会之间的关系做好铺垫。 第三部分,教育、文化、人、社会关系之探析。在“教育、文化、人、社会”的研究框架内,重点对教育与文化的关系、人与社会的关系、教育与社会的关系进行了探讨和分析,并且以此作为研究教育事业与社会其他事业关系问题的基本前提和理论基础,为进一步深入研究教育与社会的关系提供理论依据。 第四部分,教育与社会发展。通过对教育在社会大系统中的作用、教育在社会大系统中的地位的深入分析,认为教育是社会发展的基础。同时,根据人的发展与社会发展的相互作用的探讨,进一步研究了教育与人的发展和社会发展的关系,指出教育是“以个体发展为基础、以社会进步为主导”的社会事业。 第五部分,教育事业与社会其他事业。着重研究了教育事业与社会经济、教育事业与社会政治、教育事业与社会文化、教育事业与科学技术、教育事业与社会意识形态、教育事业与民族人口素质,以及教育事业与和谐社会建设的关系。认为教育作为一个国家和民族的社会事业,它是国家发展和社会进步的基石,具有基础性、全局性和先导性地位和作用,必须放在优先发展的战略位置,实现教育事业与社会事业的全面协调可持续发展。 第六部分,以人为本是教育的出发点和落脚点。本文认为教育是以人为目的、以人为对象、以人为主体和以人为主题的。因此,教育必须坚持以人为本的根本立场和基本观点。教育在本质上是人与文化的双向互动,教育的根本目的在于促进人的全面发展。在此基础上,从人作为个体、群体和类的发展的不同层面探讨了教育对人的发展的作用,并且分析了教育与人的社会化和个性化问题,进而研究了实施素质教育与人的全面发展的关系。 第七部分,结语(人的全面发展是教育和社会发展的价值诉求)。在综合前面各章研究的基础上,认为人是教育的根本所在,人的全面发展是教育和社会发展的最高价值与终极追求。从整体上升华对教育与社会关系的根本理论问题的把握,深化对教育事业发展与和谐社会建设的现实问题的认识。因此,不论是教育事业还是社会事业,都应该以人的全面发展为根本,为促进人的全面发展和社会的全面进步服务。
[Abstract]:In the past 30 years since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee , the question of education and social development is a practical problem that has not been correctly solved in the past few decades . However , in the past 30 years since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee , the problem still needs to keep pace with the times .

The relationship between education and society is undoubtedly a problem which belongs to the macro field . From the perspective of system theory , society is a big system , education is only a sub - system in the large system of society . It is the relationship between education and society , that is , the relationship between education and society .

In the first part , on the basis of the brief introduction of the problems and background of the research of this paper , the choice of the research base and the research angle of view , as well as the main purpose and significance of the research are emphatically analyzed , and the ideas , contents , methods and innovation points of the research are briefly described .

In the second part , the basic concept of education , culture , human , society and its basic connotation are interpreted . As a basis for the understanding of the relationship between education and social relations , the paper lays a foundation for the study of the relationship between education , culture , human and society .

In the framework of " education , culture , human and society " , the relationship between education and culture , the relationship between man and society , the relationship between education and society , and the relationship between education and society are discussed and analyzed .

The fourth part , education and social development . Through an in - depth analysis of the role of education in the social system and the status of education in the social system , it is believed that education is the foundation of social development . At the same time , according to the interaction between human development and social development , the author further studies the relationship between education and human development and social development , and points out that education is a social undertaking based on individual development and leading to social progress .

The article focuses on the relationship between educational cause and social economy , educational cause and social politics , educational undertakings and social culture , educational undertakings and social culture , educational undertakings and social ideology , educational undertakings and national population quality , as well as educational undertakings and harmonious society .

In the sixth part , people - oriented education is the starting point and landing point of education . In this paper , the author thinks that education is human - oriented , man - made subject and man - made subject . Therefore , education must adhere to the basic position and basic viewpoint of people - oriented education .

In the seventh part , the conclusion is that people ' s overall development is the value of education and social development . It is believed that people are the fundamental of education and the overall development of people is the highest value and ultimate pursuit of education and social development .


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