发布时间:2025-02-09 16:58
关联理论提出后,人们开始从认知角度对交流进行深入研究。基于关联理论,笔者认为阅读也是一种读者和文章作者之间的交流。在阅读过程中,读者根据自身的认知环境从外露信息中寻找内隐信息,了解文章作者的真实意图。不同读者认知环境不尽相同,也由此产生了不同的语境假设,而读者接触到的每一句话也都会对之前的理解产生影响,造成了读者不同的阅读理解能力。认知环境正是通过这种方式来影响读者的阅读理解过程的。而在初中学生英语阅读技能培养过程中,依据新课标的要求,学生要在阅读过程中不断用头脑中已有的英语知识以及文化常识对所阅读文章的字面意义进行深层次的联想和推理,以抓住文章主旨,推测故事情节的发展和可能的结局。因此,笔者尝试将关联理论运用到初中英语阅读教学当中去以帮助提高学生们的阅读能力。 为验证关联理论是否可用于初中英语阅读理解课堂,笔者提出了二个研究问题:第一个问题是关联理论阅读教学模式能否切实提高初中学生英语阅读能力?第二个问题是关联理论教学模式能否使学生对英语阅读中的认知环境以及英语阅读本身态度发生积极转变? 在实验中,笔者选取锦州英语培训学校初中部两个班为实验样本,进行为期三个月的实验教学。实验前...
【文章页数】:73 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
1.2 Structure of the research
1.3 Significance of the study
1.4 The purpose of the research
Chapter Two Literature review
2.1 Relevance theory-a new view on Communication
2.1.1 Communication as an Ostensive--inferential Process
2.1.2 The principles of Relevance
2.1.3 Cognitive Effects
2.1.4 Optimal Relevance
2.2 An Overview of Research on English Reading Process Models
2.2.1 The Bottom-up model
2.2.2 The Top-down model
2.2.3 The interactive model
2.2.4 The Schema-theoretic Model
2.2.5 Assessments of the four models
2.3 Applying Relevance-theory to English Reading Teaching
2.3.1 Reading-the an inference process to interpret the writers' intentions
2.3.2 Reading-the process of context-selecting
2.3.3 Reading-the process of finding the optimal relevance
Chapter Three Research methodology
3.1 Research questions
3.2 Subjects
3.3 Instruments
3.4 Experiment procedure
3.4.1 Application of the relevance-theory to English reading teaching
3.4.2 The teaching cases based on the Relevance-theory approach
Chapter Four Data analysis and discussion
4.1 Data collection
4.2 Data analysis and discussion of the pre-test
4.3 Analysis and discussion of the first questionnaire
4.4 Data analysis and discussion of the post-test
4.5 A comparison of the scores of experiment class in pre-test and post-test
4.6 A comparison of the scores of control class in pre-test and post-test
4.7 Analysis and discussion of the high-score group and low-score group of experiment class
4.8 Analysis of the second questionnaire
Chapter Five Conclusions
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Limitation
5.3 Implication and suggestions
5.3.1 Implication
5.3.2 Suggestions
Appendix I (The first questionnaire)
Appendix II (The second questionnaire)
Appendix III (The Pre-test Paper)
Appendix IV (The Post-test Paper)
【文章页数】:73 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
1.2 Structure of the research
1.3 Significance of the study
1.4 The purpose of the research
Chapter Two Literature review
2.1 Relevance theory-a new view on Communication
2.1.1 Communication as an Ostensive--inferential Process
2.1.2 The principles of Relevance
2.1.3 Cognitive Effects
2.1.4 Optimal Relevance
2.2 An Overview of Research on English Reading Process Models
2.2.1 The Bottom-up model
2.2.2 The Top-down model
2.2.3 The interactive model
2.2.4 The Schema-theoretic Model
2.2.5 Assessments of the four models
2.3 Applying Relevance-theory to English Reading Teaching
2.3.1 Reading-the an inference process to interpret the writers' intentions
2.3.2 Reading-the process of context-selecting
2.3.3 Reading-the process of finding the optimal relevance
Chapter Three Research methodology
3.1 Research questions
3.2 Subjects
3.3 Instruments
3.4 Experiment procedure
3.4.1 Application of the relevance-theory to English reading teaching
3.4.2 The teaching cases based on the Relevance-theory approach
Chapter Four Data analysis and discussion
4.1 Data collection
4.2 Data analysis and discussion of the pre-test
4.3 Analysis and discussion of the first questionnaire
4.4 Data analysis and discussion of the post-test
4.5 A comparison of the scores of experiment class in pre-test and post-test
4.6 A comparison of the scores of control class in pre-test and post-test
4.7 Analysis and discussion of the high-score group and low-score group of experiment class
4.8 Analysis of the second questionnaire
Chapter Five Conclusions
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Limitation
5.3 Implication and suggestions
5.3.1 Implication
5.3.2 Suggestions
Appendix I (The first questionnaire)
Appendix II (The second questionnaire)
Appendix III (The Pre-test Paper)
Appendix IV (The Post-test Paper)