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发布时间:2018-01-06 23:41

  本文关键词:上海育才公学之研究 出处:《华东师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 育才公学 办学模式 课程与教学 教师队伍 学生群体

【摘要】:近代上海发达的对外贸易,催生了一批仿照欧美办学模式而创立的新式学堂,育才书社就是其中的一所。而后,育才改归工部局办理,正式更名为育才公学,逐渐发展成为享誉沪上的中学名校。本论文研究的正是育才公学的办学历史。 第一章纵向梳理育才公学的历史。1901年1月,英籍犹太商人埃丽斯·嘉道理创办了育才书社(Ellis Kadoorie School)。1912年9月2日,育才正式改归工部局办理,更名为"Kadoorie Public School for Chinese",中文名为“育才公学”。此后,学校办学规模日益扩大,学校体制日渐完善,位列“工部局四大公学”。由于日本侵略军开进租界,孤岛不复存在。1942年11月5日,汪伪政府接收育才,学校更名为“上海特别市立育才中学”。 第二章从培养目标、管理体制和学生管理入手,分析和总结育才公学具有英国公学特色的办学模式。学校突破了书社时期培养洋文职的局限,人才培养向多元化发展,注重造就学生的完满人格。学校管理工作在工部局、嘉道理家族、中华教育会,及香港大学等各方监督之下进行,校长既是学校管理的执行者,又是教学质量的监督者,更是学校内、外部关系的协调者。学校还制定了严格的校规,从细节入手,抓学生管理。 第三章着重讨论育才公学“文理兼备,中西汇通”的课程与教学,并试图清晰地呈现出学校的课程与学制改革之路。另外,学校丰富的课余活动,使师生同乐其中,促进了师生的身心健康发展,使我们又一次瞥见了英国公学影子。 第四章从教师选拔与构成、教学水平和待遇等方面探讨育才公学的教师队伍建设,展示育才教师的个性魅力与善教乐教的风采。 第五章从生源构成、学生数量变化、学业表现、就业状况,及参与爱国民主运动的情况等方面勾画出育才公学的学生群体特征。并对《育才公学纪念刊》进行作品分析,展现出育才学子智力与体力协调发展的整体面貌。 最后,结语将从育才公学看上海和中国近代教育的发展状况和特征,揭示育才公学的办学历程对我国教育事业的启示,理清育才公学与育才中学的关系。
[Abstract]:Shanghai modern foreign trade, has spawned a number of new school running mode and the creation of modeled Europe, Yucai publishing house is one of them. Then, change to the Municipal Council for education, officially renamed the Yucai, gradually developed into a famous Shanghai elite school. This thesis is Yucai School History.
The first chapter combed Yucai's history in January.1901, a British Jewish businessman Ellis Kadoorie founded the publishing house (Ellis Kadoorie School) at.1912 in September 2nd, officially changed to the Municipal Council for education, renamed "Kadoorie Public School for Chinese", the name "Yucai". Since then, the school expanded, the school system is perfect, in the "four municipal public schools". Because the Japanese aggressor troops marched into the concession, island ceased to exist in November 5th.1942, the puppet government received training, the school changed its name to "Shanghai City Yucai Middle School.
The second chapter starts from the training objectives, management system and student management, analysis and summary of Yucai School pattern has the characteristics of English public school. The school break through the training period of the civilian Ocean Press Limited, personnel training to diversified development, focusing on developing students' personality. The school management work in the municipal Council, the Kadoorie family, Chinese Education Association University of Hong Kong, and other parties under the supervision of the principal, is the school management implementation, and teaching quality supervisor, is the school, external relations coordinator. The school also developed strict school rules, details from the start, grasp the students' management.
The third chapter focuses on the discussion of Yucai "Arts and science, curriculum and teaching of Chinese and Western Huitong", and tries to present a clear picture of the way of curriculum and educational reform of the school. In addition, rich school extracurricular activities, teachers and students make fun, promote the development of teachers and students of physical and mental health, so once again we caught a glimpse of the British public shadow.
The fourth chapter discusses the construction of teaching staff of Yucai public school from the aspects of teacher selection and composition, teaching level and treatment, and demonstrates the charm of Yucai teacher's personality and the style of good teaching and music education.
The fifth chapter from the source composition, changes in the number of students, academic performance, employment status, and participate in the patriotic democratic movements. Outline the characters of Yucai's students. And the "Yucai memorial volume > works analysis, showing the Yucai students mental and physical coordination development of the overall appearance.
Finally, the conclusion will see the development and characteristics of modern education in Shanghai and China from the perspective of Yucai public school, and reveal the Enlightenment of Yucai public school's running course to our education, and clarify the relationship between Yucai public school and Yucai Middle School.



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