发布时间:2017-12-31 11:19
本文关键词:基于电子书包学习方式的现状与对策研究 出处:《陕西师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 电子书包试点项目 电子书包 学习方式 现状 对策
【摘要】:目前,信息技术作为一种现代化的通讯、管理方法在促进社会经济建设和改善人们生活水平上发挥着重要的作用,我国各级政府和教育部门都在积极加快信息化建设的进度和力度,大力推行教育资源共建共享、信息技术全面渗透教育教学全过程,以提高教育教学质量、实现教育公平、构建学习型社会为目标,努力搭建与国家教育现代化发展目标相适应的教育信息化体系。在此背景下陕西省教育厅在全省范围内的20所中小学实施电子书包项目的试点,到目前为止已经投入了837万余元。电子书包项目实施后学生的学习方式有什么样的变化?电子书包应用后学生学习效果如何?本研究通过深入试点学校,与教师和学生进行座谈,向学生发放调查问卷,以此来分析电子书包项目实施后学生学习方式的现状。 本文主要采用文献研究法、问卷调查法、观察法、访谈法等研究方法,首先对学习方式、电子书包等相关概念进行全面系统的梳理,基于对这两个核心概念理解的基础上提出了基于电子书包学习方式的定义。根据电子书包学习方式的理解,以及笔者所了解电子书包实际应用情况,通过与研究小组成员讨论,与相关教育学和心理学专业同事探讨,以及导师的指导,设计了一份有6个一级维度17个二级维度的学生学习方式现状调查问卷。经过2个多月在5所电子书包试点学校的实地考察,听课观摩、访谈交流、发放回收235份问卷,掌握了大量详实可靠的资料。 通过对教师和学生的访谈记录以及调查问卷的数据统计分析,总结出了电子书包试点项目一年多来学生学习方式的现状,主要有:学生的学习行为和学习策略有了明显的变化;学生的学习状态有所改变,学习形式更倾向于自主学习和探究学习;学生的信息素养和学习效果有了较大的提高;教师教学方法的改变对学生的学习方式影响较大;电子书包设备的耐用性和网络环境的稳定性影响教师和学生使用的积极性;电子书包的应用对打破教育资源地域间的不平衡有积极的作用;教师应用的能力决定电子书包的应用效果;低年级的同学比高年级的同学应用积极性较高等。并且根据调查结论提出了改进基于电子书包学习方式的对策,包括应用3TM与3LM教与学方式组织教学,教师应积极探索电子书包在教学中的应用方法,提高教师基于电子书包的信息化教学能力,鼓励和推进电子书包在教学中的全面应用,提高设备、环境的耐用性和稳定性促进教与学应用的积极性。 本课题也是对基于电子书包的学生学习方式现状进行研究,以期投砾引珠,能够对电子书包进一步应用和发展提供重要的科学依据,对电子书包的功能改进和完善提供一些建议,对项目试点管理部门有一定的参考和帮助,为教师能够更好地应用电子书包促进学生的学习和发展提供指导。
[Abstract]:At present, as a kind of modern communication and information technology, management method plays an important role in promoting the development of social economy and the improvement of people's living standard, our country government and education departments are actively accelerate the construction of informationization progress and efforts, vigorously promote education resources sharing, information technology permeate the whole process of education and teaching, in order to improve the teaching quality and realize the equality of education, building a learning society as the goal, efforts to build a system of education informatization development and national education modernization to adapt. Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education under the background in the province within the scope of the 20 schools of the pilot implementation of e-Schoolbag project, so far has invested more than 837 yuan e-Schoolbag. After the implementation of the project the way students learn what kind of change? Application of e-Schoolbag after learning this study through? In order to analyze the status of the students' learning style after the implementation of the e-book package, the pilot schools, with the teachers and students, are engaged in a discussion and the questionnaire is distributed to the students.
This paper mainly adopts the literature research method, questionnaire, observation, interviews and other research methods, the way of learning, book bags and other related concepts comprehensive carding system, based on the understanding of the two core concepts are put forward on the definition of e-Schoolbag based learning approach. According to the e-Schoolbag understanding and, the practical application of e-Schoolbag, through discussions with members of the research team, and to explore the correlation of psychology and education professionals, and tutors, designed a 6 level dimension 17 level two dimensions of student learning situation questionnaire. Through field investigation, 5 e-books a pilot school in more than 2 months of observations, interviews, issued 235 questionnaires were collected, mastered a lot of detailed and reliable data.
Through the analysis of the teachers and students' interviews and questionnaire data statistics, summed up the status quo, e-Schoolbag pilot projects for more than a year of students' learning style are: learning behavior and learning strategies of students has been changed; the status of students have changed, learning tend to form autonomous learning and inquiry learning; students' information literacy and learning effect has been greatly improved; teachers influence the change of teaching methods on students' learning style; e-Schoolbag equipment durability and network environment affect the stability of the enthusiasm of the teachers and students; the application of e-Schoolbag to break the regional educational resources imbalance between positive effect; application effect of teachers' ability of application of e-Schoolbag decision; low grade students of high grade students enthusiasm and higher application. According to the conclusion of the investigation and put forward measures to improve the e-Schoolbag based learning approach, including the application of 3TM and 3LM teaching and learning organization, and actively explore the application of e-Schoolbag method in teaching teachers should improve teachers' teaching ability of information technology based on e-Schoolbag, improve equipment to encourage and promote the comprehensive application of e-Schoolbag, in teaching the environment, durability and stability to promote the enthusiasm of teaching and learning applications.
This paper is to study the learning situation of students based on e-Schoolbag, in order to lead to investment gravel beads, e-Schoolbag further application and development provides an important scientific basis, to improve and perfect the function of the e-Schoolbag provide suggestions have certain reference and help for the department management pilot project for the teachers to better the application of E-Book Package to provide guidance to promote students' learning and development.
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