发布时间:2018-02-04 23:30
本文关键词: 胡适之 中国教育事业 大学规模 工科大学 千人 教育传统 粉碎“四人帮” 重点中学 教育思想 壬戌学制 出处:《鲁迅研究月刊》2014年08期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:I have never studied the issue of education. I have only worked as a Chinese teacher for 14 years before the "Gang of four" was smashed. But in the past 30 years, I have held lectures and received special professors' certificates in many universities, especially witnessed my granddaughter's whole process from kindergarten to college entrance examination. I am a 1962 graduate of Nankai University. During my five years of study, there were only 3, 4,000 students in the whole school. The adjoining Tianjin University was then the second largest engineering university in China, but it had only 7, 8,000 students. Now, the size of the university, the number of students, the size of the area, has been eye-popping; Some of the number of students in key secondary schools in the field is close to that of Tianjin University at that time. As to how many masters, how many achievements, and how to rank in the international community. Of course, I have different opinions again. This has made me develop rapidly for the cause of education in China.
【正文快照】: 我从未研究过教育问题,仅在粉碎“四试教育受到非理性推崇的事实;目睹了教育人帮”之前当过十四年语文教师;但近三十追求实利而忽视心灵培养、素质提升的事实;年来到不少大学开过讲座,接受过特聘教授目睹了创新型人才短缺、优质生源外流的事证书,特别是目睹了孙女从上幼儿园到
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