发布时间:2018-02-23 20:17
本文关键词: 农村初中生 社会支持 自我概念 心理健康 出处:《扬州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:运用定量研究法与个案研究法,以江苏扬州地区农村初中生作为研究对象,采用《社会支持评定量表》、《田纳西自我概念量表》及《中国中学生心理健康量表》进行调查研究。以此了解农村初中生社会支持、自我概念与心理健康的关系;并借助个案研究,探讨提高农村初中生心理健康水平的有效干预途径,以期为农村初中生心理健康教育提供参考。结果如下: 1、从总体上看,心理健康状况正常的学生数占67.93%,存在轻度与中度心理健康问题的初中生分别占27.09%与4.98%。农村初中生心理健康问题处于前四位是:学习压力、强迫症状、焦虑与情绪不平衡。 2、女生心理健康水平高于男生;独生子女心理健康水平高于非独生子女;初一年级学生心理健康水平最高,初三年级学生心理健康水平最差,初二介于二者之间;不同学习成绩的学生心理健康水平高低依次为学习成绩优秀、良好、中等、较差;不同父母教养方式的学生心理健康水平高低依次为民主型、专制型、溺爱型、放任型。 3、农村初中生社会支持处于中等水平。 4、农村初中生自我概念水平较好。 5、农村初中生社会支持与心理健康呈非常显著的负相关;自我概念与心理健康呈非常显著的负相关;社会支持、自我概念可直接对心理健康产生作用;社会支持也可借助自我概念对心理健康产生间接作用。 6、社会支持中的主观支持、对支持利用度及自我概念中的自我批评、自我满意共同对心理健康起预测作用。 7、基于个体心理健康症状的特点,采取积极有效的心理干预措施,可以提高个体心理健康水平。 8、基于前文对农村初中生心理健康的特点及成因分析,有针对性的从学校、家庭及学生自身视角提出教育建议。
[Abstract]:The use of quantitative research method and case study method, takes the rural junior middle school students in Yangzhou area of Jiangsu as the research object, using the "social support scale", "Tennessee self concept scale > and < > Chinese mental health questionnaire investigation. In order to understand the rural junior middle school students' social support, the relationship between self concept and mental health by means of case study; and, to explore the effective intervention to improve the mental health level of rural junior high school students the way, in order to provide reference for rural junior high school students' mental health education. The results are as follows:
1, on the whole, the number of the students with normal mental health is 67.93%, and the junior middle school students who have mild or moderate mental health problems account for 27.09%. The top four psychological health problems of 4.98%. rural junior middle school students are: learning pressure, obsessive compulsive symptoms, anxiety and emotional imbalance.
2, the mental health level of girls was higher than boys; children's psychological health level of only higher than the non only child students; mental health level of junior grade three students psychological health level of the highest grade the difference, between the second grade between the two different grades; students psychological health level in learning achievement is outstanding, good, medium and poor; different parenting style of the students' mental health level are democratic, authoritarian, indulgent, laissez faire.
3, the social support of the rural junior high school students is at the middle level.
4, the level of self-concept of rural junior high school students is better.
5, rural social support and mental health of junior middle school students had a significant negative correlation; self concept was very significant negative correlation with mental health; social support, self concept can be directly on the effect of mental health; social support can also rely on self concept of mental health have indirect effect.
6, the subjective support of social support, the predictive effect of self criticism and self satisfaction on mental health of the support utilization and self concept.
7, based on the characteristics of individual mental health symptoms, taking active and effective psychological intervention measures can improve the level of individual mental health.
8, based on the analysis of the characteristics and causes of the mental health of junior high school students in rural areas, some suggestions are put forward from the perspective of school, family and students themselves.
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