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发布时间:2018-05-04 13:45

  本文选题:功利主义教育 + 经验主义 ; 参考:《南开大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:本文以功利教育为视角,围绕功利主义教育思想,从理论与实践、普遍与特殊的角度,分析十九世纪英国功利主义教育思想,分别从功利主义教育的社会背景、理论前提、理论的实践中研究功利主义教育内核的合理性和功利泛化的局限性,探寻功利教育的合理限度,为我国的教育改革提供理论支持。 从理论上,研究功利主义教育的价值。功利主义教育使十九世纪英国的教育从非实用性的教会教育和绅士教育转变到具有实用性的功利教育上来。功利主义教育既提倡自由,又尊重权威,个人自由是教育的最终目的,社会权威是个人价值获得主要渠道,同时也是社会稳定的前提。功利主义教育给予人的是一种注重现实、把握现实的理论思维方式。它不但要求认识世界,而且赞同通过改革的方式去改造世界,它尊重权威又能够打破权威,实现自己所要追求的自由,这需要把自由和权威控制在一个合理的限度之内。 从实践上,研究功利教育与社会整体发展的关系。从社会发展的角度来说,功利主义教育顺应了社会历史的发展潮流,为社会发展提供了智力支持,推动工业革命的发展,促进了科技的进步,让民主政治向前迈进了一大步。从个人发展的角度来说,功利主义者提倡普及教育、义务教育、中等教育、高等教育以及职业教育等,这为民众提供了更多的接受教育的机会,提高了民众的科学文化知识,激发了民众的政治权利意识,使个人的自由向前迈进了一大步。 十九世纪英国的社会现状是功利主义教育产生的主要原因,这是功利主义教育产生的社会背景。工业革命呼唤功利主义教育,功利主义者从实际出发,看到了社会发展与现实之间的矛盾,提出了教育理论,并主张对教育进行改革;民主政治的发展需要功利主义教育;教育改革与教育思潮是功利主义教育产生的教育背景,公学改革、导生制以及国家进行干预教育是教育改革的主要内容,古典人文主义教育、科学教育、空想社会主义教育三大思潮与功利主义思潮之间的对话促进了教育思想的发展;经验主义传统为功利主义教育提供了经验哲学的土壤;联想主义心理学传统是功利主义教育心理学产生的理论基础。 功利主义教育理论有其自身的理论前提。人性论是功利主义教育的逻辑起点,人性是多样的,具有自私自利、趋乐避苦、非恒定性、自我完善性等特点,这证明人具有可教性,能够传承知识和文明;经验主义为功利主义教育提供了哲学基础,作为经验主义的功利主义能够从经验出发,注重现实,易于打破权威,实现人的自由;幸福是功利主义教育的价值诉求,快乐和自由是幸福的核心,个人幸福和社会幸福的有机结合是通往幸福的有效突途径;功利是评价功利主义教育的主要标准;联想主义心理学是功利主义教育认识论的心理学基础。 功利主义教育既有理论也有实践,是理论与实践的统一。功利主义者主张环境是影响和形成人的性格的主要因素。边沁探讨了环境对人的气质的影响,詹姆斯·密尔坚持环境决定论,约翰·密尔则主张温和的决定论;他们从经验出发,认为无法证明上帝的存在,并坚决反对教育中的宗派主义,主张宗教信仰自由;国家对教育的干预要适度,其干预的范围主要限于人们无能力办学的领域,其原则是不干涉个人自由;大学应当是追求真、善、美的地方,博雅教育与科学教育相融合是其教学原则;个性是社会进步、道德提升乃至实现个人自由的主要动力。 作为一种教育思潮的功利主义教育存在着困境,最大多数人的最大幸福原则并不包括全体人的幸福,作为目的论的功利主义无法把过程和结果协调起来,精英主义教育成为功利主义教育的核心。功利主义在事实与价值关系的关系上夸大了功利价值对事实的评判尺度。功利主义从自然主义出发,通过人的感觉经验把追求快乐、逃避痛苦的功利价值预设为评判事实的标准。但是,把功利作为个人幸福和社会发展的标准会导致功利的泛化。 其实,我们反对的是功利教育泛化,但是不反对有限度的功利教育,合理的功利教育具有其合理性和存在价值。社会差别的存在是功利主义教育产生的主要原因,教育要协调好个人发展、社会进步和国家稳定有序前进三者的关系。功利主义教育的研究与我国教育的发展休戚相关,探讨功利主义教育的限度对我国的教育改革具有借鉴意义,并能够丰富我国的教育改革理论。
[Abstract]:Based on the theory and practice , universal and special angles , this paper analyzes the educational thoughts of the English utility in the nineteenth century from the perspective of utilitarian education , and analyzes the limitations of the rationality and utility of the utilitarian education kernel from the social background , the theoretical premise and the practice of the utilitarian education , and explores the reasonable limits of the utility education , and provides theoretical support for the educational reform in our country .

In theory , the value of utilitarian education is studied . The utilitarian education transforms the education of Britain from the non - practical church and the gentleman ' s education into practical utility education . The utilitarian education not only advocates freedom , but also respects the authority , the individual freedom is the ultimate aim of education , and the social authority is the premise of social stability . It not only requires the understanding of the world , but also the freedom to pursue by reform . It needs to control the freedom and authority within a reasonable limit .

From the point of view of the social development , the utilitarian education conforms to the development trend of the social history , provides the intellectual support for the social development , promotes the development of the industrial revolution , promotes the development of the industrial revolution , promotes the development of science and technology , promotes the development of science and technology , promotes the development of science and technology , promotes the development of science and technology , promotes the development of science and technology , promotes the development of science and technology , promotes the scientific and cultural knowledge of the people , inspires the public ' s political rights consciousness , and makes the freedom of the individual move forward .

The social situation of Britain in the nineteenth century is the main reason for the education of utilitarian . This is the social background of the education of utilitarian . The industrial revolution calls for the utilitarian education . In fact , it sees the contradiction between social development and reality , puts forward the theory of education , and advocates the reform of education ;
The development of democratic politics requires utilitarian education ;
Educational reform and the ideological trend of education are the educational background , the public school reform , the guiding system and the intervention education of the country are the main contents of the educational reform .
Empiricism tradition provides the soil of empirical philosophy for the education of utilitarian ;
The tradition of associative psychology is the theoretical basis of the psychology of utilitarian education .

The theory of utilitarian education has its own theoretical premise . The theory of human nature is the logical starting point of utilitarian education . Human nature is diverse , and has the characteristics of selfishness , seeking to avoid bitter , non - identity , self - perfection , etc . , which proves that people have the ability to teach and inherit knowledge and civilization ;
Empiricism provides a philosophical basis for utilitarian education , which can be based on experience , realistic , easy to break authority and realize man ' s freedom .
Happiness is the value of utilitarian education , happiness and freedom are the core of happiness , and the organic combination of individual happiness and social happiness is an effective way to happiness ;
Utility is the main criterion to evaluate the utilitarian education ;
Association psychology is the psychological foundation of the theory of utilitarian education epistemology .

utilitarian education has both theory and practice . It is the unification of theory and practice . It is the main factor to influence and form the character of man . Bentham discusses the influence of environment on man ' s temperament .
From experience , they believe that the existence of God cannot be proved , and it is strongly opposed to sectarianism in education and advocates freedom of religious belief ;
The State ' s intervention in education should be moderate . The scope of its intervention is limited to the areas where people have no ability to run school , and its principle is not to interfere with individual freedom ;
The university should be the place of seeking truth , good and beauty , and the integration of Boya education and science education is its teaching principle ;
Personality is the main impetus of social progress , moral promotion and personal freedom .

As a kind of educational thought , the utilitarian education is in a dilemma . Most of the people ' s greatest happiness principle does not include the happiness of the whole people . As the goal theory , the utilitarian cannot reconcile the process and the result , and the elite education becomes the core of the utilitarian education .

In fact , we are opposed to the generalization of utilitarian education , but do not oppose the limited utilitarian education , the rational utility education has its rationality and existence value . The existence of the social difference is the main reason for the education of utilitarian education . The research of the education should coordinate the relationship between the individual development , social progress and the orderly progress of the national stability . The research of the utility education is of reference to our country ' s education reform , and can enrich the educational reform theory of our country .



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