本文选题:人民教育出版社 + 教育事件 ; 参考:《教育研究》2014年09期
[Abstract]:Mr. Ye Shengtao (1894-1988) is a famous writer, educator, editor, publisher and social activist in China. Mr. Ye Shengtao's life spans the three periods of the late Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China and the New China. He is not only the first person and participant of some important cultural and educational events in the modern history of our country, but also the leader of a series of important educational and publishing activities in the 20th century. Decision makers and organizers. He was one of the pioneers of the May 4th New Culture Movement. He has been the director and editor-in-chief of the people's Education Publishing House for a long time. He is a pioneer in the cause of teaching materials in primary and secondary schools in New China, a founder and one of the main sponsors of the founding of Teachers' Day in New China.
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1 采访人 中国出版传媒商报记者 刘志伟;人民教育出版社引领“教育数字出版”先机[N];中国出版传媒商报;2013年
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9 张轶水;“拒绝回应”比“涉嫌剽窃”更可怕[N];深圳商报;2012年
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