本文选题:台湾 + “十二年国教” ; 参考:《教育研究与实验》2014年02期
[Abstract]:Taiwan's "Ministry of Education" after 30 years of gestation, in 2011 officially launched the "12-year state religion" policy. The policy adheres to the five major concepts of "education without distinction, education according to aptitude, promotion of aptitude, plural approaches, and high quality convergence". The policy aims to provide voluntary and non-compulsory high secondary education for citizens over 15 years of age, free of tuition fees, and mainly free of examination. Accompanied by the brewing and implementation of the "Twelve years of the State Church," there are disputes and doubts about various issues, such as the imperfect design of the overall plan, which will hinder the development of excellent students and quality schools. The pressure on students to go to school has not been fundamentally alleviated, and the status of public and private schools will change. The author thinks that Taiwan should put off the implementation of "12 years' national religion" or reduce the reform intensity, and try it out in some regions. Such reform plans in mainland China need to be tried out for some time before the overall design and implementation can be considered.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学高等教育发展研究中心;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大课题“世界一流大学多样化招生政策研究”(13JJD880011)研究成果之一 2010年度教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-10-0720)资助
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