[Abstract]:In the third Plenary session of the eighth CPC Central Committee, the length of education reform is not long, only three paragraphs. Among them, special mention "perfect Chinese excellent traditional culture education", and the position is very advanced. This is very provoking people to think. Looking back throughout the twentieth century, we continued to subvert, destroy, and struggle. What kind of environment are the leaders of all aspects of China, middle-aged people, including myself, growing up in? Many people are born anti-right, good at the "Cultural Revolution", the world view formed in the criticism of Confucianism and criticism of Confucius. Students criticize teachers, people suspicion, apathy, aggression, these things can be professional knowledge courses can be running-in, solve it? Why do we still have so much violence in the public space today, including online violence, and what are the underlying reasons for these things? I'm not
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学文化创新与传播研究院;北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院;国务院参事室;
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