[Abstract]:From the view of social constructivism, the reality of teaching is the order formed by teachers and students in teaching life and their knowledge of it. The theory of social construction is a framework of interpretation, which can promote the diversification of research methods, promote the deepening of teaching understanding, provide methodological reference for teaching research, and improve the theoretical self-confidence of researchers. What is more important is that we can rediscover the teaching reality and provide theoretical attention to the relevant decisions. However, drawing on the support of the theory and the guidance of methodology, we should clarify its premise and draw a clear line, that is, on the basis of recognizing the particularity of teaching activities, we should pay attention to the path dependence of social constructivism in explanation. Relativity and avoidance of generalization of interpretation.
【作者单位】: 山东师范大学基础教育课程研究中心;
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