发布时间:2021-06-11 18:58
本文围绕英语少年文学读物对培养高中学生积极情感的作用展开调查和讨论。作者首先回顾了国内外有关情感策略对二语外语学习影响的理论与实证研究,发现积极的情感态度可以促进语言的学习效果。但同时发现,在把英语作为外语学习的中国,对英语学习中运用情感策略的研究主要针对于大学英语学习者,在中学课堂运用情感策略促进英语教学的研究还不多见,而运用英语青少年文学读物作为新型阅读材料对中学生积极学习情感培养的研究在国内还是空白。 国家在2001年颁布的《高中英语课程标准》对学生综合运用语言技能的能力提出了新的要求,综合运用语言技能的能力形成必须建立在语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整合发展的基础上。语言学习中情感的培养被认为是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素。配合新课标提出的目标和要求,北京市部分高中开设了以开发学生学习兴趣为目的的英语选修课。但根据本文作者及首师大课外阅读调研小组对北京市部分高中学生及教师进行的调查发现:大多数学校认为在培养积极学习情感方面很难达到新课标的要求。学生及教师疲于应付高考,课外阅读量很少,读一点点也是为了做题应考,并不是为了交流思想表达情感或培养学生学习...
【文章页数】:73 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Theories and Researches on Affect in Language Learning
2.1 The Dimensions of Affect
2.1.1 Affect: Definitions
2.1.2. Individual Factors Motivation Attitude Self-confidence Inhibition Empathy Willingness to communicate
2.1.3 Relational Factors Classroom transaction Learning environment Group Dynamics Cross-cultural process
2.2 Theories and Researches on Affect in Educationand Language Learning
Chapter 3 Theories and Researches on Reading and Literature Reading
3.1 Background Theories on Reading
3.2 Theories of Literature Reading
3.2.1 Reader Response Criticism and Reception Aesthetics
3.2.2 Structuralism
3.2.3 Krashen's Affective Filter Hypotheses
Chapter 4 The Current Reading Materials in Senior Highs and the Characteristics of YAL
4.1 The Current Reading Materials in Senior Highs and Their Limitations
4.2 The Definition of YAL
4.3 The Characteristics of YAL
4.4 The Necessities to Include YAL in Senior High School English Curriculum
Chapter 5 Experimenting with Using YAL Reading Materials in Senior High School: Research Procedure
5.1 Obj ectives of the Study
5.2 A Survey of the English Elective Class Operation and the Learners' Affect for English Learning in Senior High School
5.2.1 Participants
5.2.2 Data Analysis of the Questionnaires
5.3 Using YAL Materials in a Senior High School-Research Procedure
5.3.1 Participants
5.3.2 Methods
5.3.3 Hypothesis
5.3.4 Results
Chapter 6 The Power of YAL Reading in Fostering Learners' Positive Affect
6.1 Results and Interpretations
6.1.1 Mean Scores Comparison of Each item between the Experimental Group and Control Group
6.1.2 Total Mean Scores Comparison of Each Variable between the Experimental Group and Control Group
6.2 Other Findings from the Study
6.2.1 Numbers of Pages Read by the Experimental Group Learners
6.2.2 Decision of Reading in English After YAL Program
6.2.3 Other Benefits of YAL Reading
6.3 Qualitative Evidence about the Power of YAL Reading Material
6.4 Conclusion
Chapter 7 Implications for Conducting YAL Reading at Secondary English Level
[1]英语学习与自我认同变化——对大学本科生的定量考察[J]. 高一虹,程英,赵媛,周燕. 外语教学与研究. 2003(02)
[2]情感因素对大学英语教学的影响——理论与实证研究[J]. 项茂英. 外语与外语教学. 2003(03)
[3]外语课堂合作学习中的情感与认知因素[J]. 郭书彩. 国外外语教学. 2002(02)
[4]非英语专业大学生学习动机的内在结构[J]. 秦晓晴,文秋芳. 外语教学与研究. 2002(01)
[5]回顾与展望——第三届中国英语教学国际研讨会纪要[J]. 蒋祖康. 外语教学与研究. 2001(04)
[6]外语学习焦虑及其对外语学习的影响——国外相关研究概述[J]. 王银泉,万玉书. 外语教学与研究. 2001(02)
[7]外语学习中的认知和情感需要[J]. 王初明. 外语界. 1991(04)
【文章页数】:73 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Theories and Researches on Affect in Language Learning
2.1 The Dimensions of Affect
2.1.1 Affect: Definitions
2.1.2. Individual Factors Motivation Attitude Self-confidence Inhibition Empathy Willingness to communicate
2.1.3 Relational Factors Classroom transaction Learning environment Group Dynamics Cross-cultural process
2.2 Theories and Researches on Affect in Educationand Language Learning
Chapter 3 Theories and Researches on Reading and Literature Reading
3.1 Background Theories on Reading
3.2 Theories of Literature Reading
3.2.1 Reader Response Criticism and Reception Aesthetics
3.2.2 Structuralism
3.2.3 Krashen's Affective Filter Hypotheses
Chapter 4 The Current Reading Materials in Senior Highs and the Characteristics of YAL
4.1 The Current Reading Materials in Senior Highs and Their Limitations
4.2 The Definition of YAL
4.3 The Characteristics of YAL
4.4 The Necessities to Include YAL in Senior High School English Curriculum
Chapter 5 Experimenting with Using YAL Reading Materials in Senior High School: Research Procedure
5.1 Obj ectives of the Study
5.2 A Survey of the English Elective Class Operation and the Learners' Affect for English Learning in Senior High School
5.2.1 Participants
5.2.2 Data Analysis of the Questionnaires
5.3 Using YAL Materials in a Senior High School-Research Procedure
5.3.1 Participants
5.3.2 Methods
5.3.3 Hypothesis
5.3.4 Results
Chapter 6 The Power of YAL Reading in Fostering Learners' Positive Affect
6.1 Results and Interpretations
6.1.1 Mean Scores Comparison of Each item between the Experimental Group and Control Group
6.1.2 Total Mean Scores Comparison of Each Variable between the Experimental Group and Control Group
6.2 Other Findings from the Study
6.2.1 Numbers of Pages Read by the Experimental Group Learners
6.2.2 Decision of Reading in English After YAL Program
6.2.3 Other Benefits of YAL Reading
6.3 Qualitative Evidence about the Power of YAL Reading Material
6.4 Conclusion
Chapter 7 Implications for Conducting YAL Reading at Secondary English Level
[1]英语学习与自我认同变化——对大学本科生的定量考察[J]. 高一虹,程英,赵媛,周燕. 外语教学与研究. 2003(02)
[2]情感因素对大学英语教学的影响——理论与实证研究[J]. 项茂英. 外语与外语教学. 2003(03)
[3]外语课堂合作学习中的情感与认知因素[J]. 郭书彩. 国外外语教学. 2002(02)
[4]非英语专业大学生学习动机的内在结构[J]. 秦晓晴,文秋芳. 外语教学与研究. 2002(01)
[5]回顾与展望——第三届中国英语教学国际研讨会纪要[J]. 蒋祖康. 外语教学与研究. 2001(04)
[6]外语学习焦虑及其对外语学习的影响——国外相关研究概述[J]. 王银泉,万玉书. 外语教学与研究. 2001(02)
[7]外语学习中的认知和情感需要[J]. 王初明. 外语界. 1991(04)