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发布时间:2018-01-15 09:29

  本文关键词:高职院校的微课设计开发与应用研究 出处:《重庆师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高职院校 微课 设计开发 应用研究

[Abstract]:Information resources in the ocean, ushered in the "micro-" era, for example, to provide the latest information Weibo, commonly used social software" WeChat ", and the major media recommended micro-video, and so on. In the face of micro-resources, I will combine the teaching training program of higher vocational colleges, the characteristics of the teaching process, the characteristics of professional courses. On the basis of the characteristics of learners, this paper designs a learning system of micro-course resources for higher vocational courses. The specific contents include the following aspects: first, consult a large number of relevant literature, and carefully study. Understand the current situation of higher vocational education information, the development requirements of higher vocational education, the higher vocational education training program and the characteristics of professional courses in higher vocational colleges and so on, through these status quo. In view of the analysis and study of the shortcomings, and put forward their own solutions, that is, micro-lessons to make up for the shortcomings. Second, the use of interview, field investigation and questionnaire method combined. This paper investigates and analyzes the problems and shortcomings in the teaching process of higher vocational colleges. The specific problem is that the teachers' training is not up to date. In the face of the large number of students in the classroom, it is difficult to realize the bottleneck of teaching in small classes. In the aspect of students, students' learning atmosphere is poor, students' learning is easy to receive the influence of environment, and it is easy to give up learning when they encounter difficulties. Some students have serious weariness of learning. Students in the process of learning difficulties can not be solved. According to these problems for the design and development of micro-course to do demand analysis. Third, combined with the above research and analysis. Taking WeChat platform and QQ platform as examples, this paper takes the computer culture course of university as a case to choose two classes of a vocational college in Chongqing. Combined with the relevant theoretical basis and design principles, with a certain technology as the support, to create a targeted micro-lesson, and practice. 4th, through backstage data and WeChat and other media communication software. Track and investigate the students' learning situation. Collect and sort out the students and teachers' evaluation of micro-lesson teaching resources, and collect feedback data of students' evaluation of micro-lesson teaching by interview method and questionnaire. Then the database resources of WeChat platform are modified and reused. So step by step, finally through the results of the experimental class and the control class as well as the relevant research data discovery. Micro-course teaching provides students and teachers with informational teaching resources, realizes high-quality teaching in the field of digital education, and solves the problem of students' incomprehension in the course of classroom learning. It can not learn and learn in the process of weariness before class, realize the small class teaching in the teacher's mind, that is, the cooperative learning in the classroom, at the same time, stimulate the students' interest in learning and improve the students' cognitive ability and so on.


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