本文关键词: 大学生 恋爱胜任力 问卷编制 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The attitude of individual towards marriage and love is one of the important factors to maintain the intimate relationship and the happiness of personal life. On the basis of domestic and foreign relevant research, this study puts forward the concept of love competence based on the concept of competence in management psychology. That is the total of the variable psychological characteristics of maintaining intimate relationship in love. The competence of love mainly points to the maintenance process of intimate relationship and does not include the process of establishing and ending love relationship. Love competence is a personal psychological characteristic that can be changed. These characteristics are influenced by experience and can be promoted through training and cultivation. The research focuses on the composition of college students' love competence. The research mainly includes two parts: the first part: compiling the questionnaire of college students' love competence, through literature review, interviews, open questionnaires. The theoretical dimension of college students' love competence was preliminarily constructed by expert evaluation, and the initial questionnaire was compiled based on interviews and open questionnaires. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, test the structure of the questionnaire, and finally establish the formal questionnaire, including trust, tolerance, support, empathy, attachment, five dimensions, A total of 19 items were tested. The internal consistency reliability, split-half reliability and test-retest reliability of the questionnaire were 0.857, 0.772 and 0.887, respectively. The results of logical analysis showed that the questionnaire had good content validity. Factor analysis and correlation analysis show that the questionnaire has good structural validity. The second part: the level and characteristics of college students' love competence. College students' love competence is at the middle level, and the recognition degree of each dimension of love competence is basically the same, from high to low in order of support, trust, attachment, tolerance, Different groups of college students have different levels of love competence: men are more than women in terms of trust and tolerance, women more than men show empathy and attachment; The degree of empathy and attachment of students majoring in liberal arts is higher than that of students majoring in science and engineering. College students with love experience have a higher level of love competence than those with no love experience, students in love show more trust and attachment, and those who have been in love show more support and attachment. The level of empathy is also high, and the level of empathy of college students in love is higher than that of college students who have been in love; the level of love competence of college students with two love experiences is the highest, and the level of love competence is also different with different love experiences. The worst is zero times, in which the level of love competence of the college students with two and one love experience is significantly higher than that of the students with zero love experience. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The model of college students' love competence questionnaire is reasonable in structure, good in reliability and validity, and can be used as a measuring tool. The questionnaire contains five dimensions: trust, tolerance, support, empathy and attachment. A total of 19 items .3.The overall level of college students' love competence is at the middle level, the recognition level of 5 dimensions is basically the same, from high to low is support, trust, attachment, tolerance, empathy. 4. College students love competence level will be gender, The influence of psychological maturity, major, growing environment, upbringing style and love experience.
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