本文关键词: 微课 前置性学习 初中英语 实施策略 课例设计 出处:《河北科技师范学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Pre-learning is a process that allows students to learn on their own. It can help students to understand the content of the curriculum and help them to form good learning habits and autonomous learning ability. In the process of pre-learning in junior high school, there are some problems such as unreasonable design and low interest of students. Convenient educational technology has more and more influence on modern education. A lot of schools or educational institutions have tried to make use of micro-lessons. By collecting data to understand the current research situation of pre-learning and micro-lessons at home and abroad, the author defines the related concepts and theories of the thesis. The related concepts include the concept of micro-class, the concept of pre-learning and the characteristics of pre-learning for junior high school students. The relevant theories include student-oriented education theory and meaningful learning theory. This paper lays a theoretical foundation for the subsequent research work. Through a questionnaire survey among the students of two classes in Grade two, and interviews with five teachers in the school, the author understands the problems existing in the pre-learning of junior high school English. And through the analysis of hardware equipment and teacher condition, the feasibility of the application of micro-lessons in pre-learning is proved. After that, this study aims to solve the problem of how to design the pre-learning under the micro-lesson platform. This paper puts forward the design principles and implementation strategies for the application of micro-lessons in the pre-learning of junior high school English. The design principles include: determining the learning time, defining the learning goal, the content is simple and clear, and the learning process is clear; The implementation strategies include arranging the contents of the leading learning, checking the students' learning situation, finding out the students' learning problems, and adjusting the teaching plan accordingly. On the basis of this, three lesson examples are designed. The aim is to perfect the design of pre- learning in junior middle school based on micro-lesson, and to provide reference for teachers to improve their teaching efficiency.
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