本文选题:在线学习 + 学习预警 ; 参考:《江苏师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of network technology and electronic products, online learning has gradually entered people's life with its unique convenience, and has been widely concerned by all walks of life.It will provide good conditions for the construction of learning for all and life-long learning society.At the same time, online learning also brings a series of negative effects. For example, it is difficult for learners to focus their attention on learning quality, and it is difficult for teachers to give full play to their own advantages.Learners' behavior is difficult to control and teaching evaluation is not objective.Learning early warning is an effective way to solve the above problems. The construction of an online learning warning mechanism supported by big data based on educational behavior is an important problem to be solved urgently in the field of online education research and practice.The purpose of this study is to improve the learning effect and quality of online learning through the design of online learning warning mechanism.The main points of this paper include: (1) to construct an online learning early warning model: (2) to design an online learning early warning mechanism and (3) to design and test the prototype of online learning early warning.Therefore, the main contents of this study are as follows: in the part of model construction, this research firstly summarizes the current research situation and development trend of online learning, and expounds the connotation of online learning early warning.This paper summarizes the deficiency of online learning and the existing warning system of online learning, expounds their respective advantages and disadvantages, and then expounds the present research situation and development trend of learning analysis.It is pointed out that the research on learning analysis proves theoretically the possibility of developing "early warning system" and provides technical support and tool support for the realization of online learning early warning, and points out the direction for the construction of online learning early warning model.Through case analysis and network investigation and other methods to analyze and compare the domestic and foreign online learning early warning system, summed up the online learning early warning framework,According to the framework of online learning early warning and learning analysis model, the function and process model of online learning early warning are constructed.This study constructs the online learning early warning function model from three aspects of knowledge, behavior and emotion, and constructs the online learning early warning process model from the perspective of the concrete realization steps of online learning early warning.In the part of mechanism design, based on the online learning early warning model, this study designed the early warning mechanism of knowledge mastery degree, behavior warning mechanism and emotional early warning mechanism through case analysis and design research methods.In the design of each mechanism, first of all, according to the online learning early warning model to design the overall process of online learning early warning mechanism, and then to design the various elements of the mechanism, including the collection of early warning data, the determination of early warning algorithm.The choice of early warning mode and the presentation of warning information.This part lays a solid foundation for the development and design of online learning early warning prototype.In the part of prototype design and verification, this research adopts the method of rapid prototyping to develop online learning early warning prototype by Axure8.0, and invites some learners to simulate and try online learning early warning prototype.Then through interviews, questionnaires and other means to collect learners' experience of the trial process and the shortcomings of the prototype, then according to the feedback of learners to modify the prototype.
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