本文选题:教育扶贫 + 教育精准扶贫 ; 参考:《中国远程教育》2017年05期
[Abstract]:China's poverty alleviation and development has entered a critical stage. In order to achieve the strategic goal of eliminating poverty by 2020, we must grasp the key points of poverty alleviation in the next few years and upgrade "blood transfusion poverty alleviation" to "hematopoietic poverty alleviation".However, in the past, there are some problems in the work of poverty alleviation in education, such as improper educational objectives, misfocusing, misfocusing, and inaccurate layout, etc. "moving towards precision" is the inevitable orientation of the work of poverty alleviation through education.Education informatization has the advantages of object identification, project implementation, tracking and evaluation, supervision and management, construction of teachers' team and the effect of helping the gang. It is an effective way to comprehensively promote the precision poverty alleviation in education.However, the development of education informatization in poor counties is slow, which limits the development of precision education poverty alleviation to a large extent.Therefore, on the basis of defining the object of poverty and helping content, the poverty-stricken county area can carry out the work according to the low threshold and low input educational information solution, and then step by step advance the idea of precision education poverty alleviation.In the development of the concrete work, the mobile end should be regarded as the breakthrough of the whole work, and the construction of educational information should be done well. On the premise of ensuring the safety of user data and privacy, the education should be carried out accurately out of poverty.It also helps other poor people become digital citizens.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学;华东师范大学教育信息技术学系;
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