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发布时间:2018-04-16 08:30

  本文选题:新外语教师 + 外语学习信念 ; 参考:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:若要了解新外语教师的职业发展规律,先了解他们的外语学习信念及其发展较为重要。本研究为个案实证研究,以恩格斯托姆(Engestrom 1987)的活动理论为分析依据,旨在对实际教学环境的复杂性有一个详细、深入的展现与阐述,进而探究中国新外语教师在实际教学环境中对外语学习的理解与认识。在具体研究过程中,研究者调查了两位北京市海淀区新任英语教师,一名高中英语教师,一名大学公共英语讲师。本研究通过课堂观察和半结构化访谈收集数据,以期回答如下问题:新外语教师在参加工作前及其一年后的外语学习信念是什么?这种信念如何影响她们在教学环境中的实际操作?本研究的发现如下:第一,新教师的外语学习信念是在以往的学习经历中形成并内化的,相对稳定且难以改变;第二,作为中介工具(mediating tool),她们的信念往往会在新的教学环境中遇到阻碍,甚至造成情感上的压力,影响她们的职业发展。本研究的现实启示有二:第一,当新教师的外语学习信念在教学环境中受到冲击时,她们往往会对自身的教学产生或积极或消极的情感变化。因此,学校管理层有必要为新教师提供更多的情感关注以帮助他们顺利实现从学生到教师的转变。第二,新教师的情感变化会在她们的教学环境中扮演另一个重要的中介工具角色,进而影响她们未来的教师职业专业化发展,这一变化也值得我们今后做进一步的研究。
[Abstract]:In order to understand the rules of professional development of new foreign language teachers, it is important to understand their beliefs in foreign language learning and their development.This study is an empirical case study, based on the activity theory of Engestrom Engestrom (Engestrom 1987). The purpose of this study is to show and elaborate the complexity of the actual teaching environment in detail and in depth.Then it explores the understanding and understanding of Chinese new foreign language teachers in the actual teaching environment.In the course of the study, the researchers investigated two new English teachers in Haidian District, Beijing, a senior high school English teacher and a university public English lecturer.This study collects data through classroom observation and semi-structured interviews in order to answer the following questions: what are the beliefs of new foreign language teachers before and after a year of work?How does this belief affect how they actually operate in a teaching environment?The findings of this study are as follows: first, the new teachers' beliefs in foreign language learning are formed and internalized in the past, which are relatively stable and difficult to change.As a mediating tool, their beliefs often encounter obstacles in the new teaching environment, and even cause emotional pressure, which affects their career development.The practical implications of this study are as follows: first, when new teachers' beliefs in foreign language learning are impacted in the teaching environment, they often produce positive or negative emotional changes to their own teaching.Therefore, it is necessary for school management to provide more emotional attention to new teachers to help them achieve a smooth transition from student to teacher.Second, the emotional change of new teachers will play another important intermediary tool role in their teaching environment, and then affect their professional development in the future. This change is also worthy of further study in the future.


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